We haven't been able to get in contact with everyone via PM. For anyone still able to help out with further testing - please drop me an email via my profile!

Theta_Frost, freezedream and I have been talking about potential future support for running two segas either in lock-step (aiming at having more channels and two separate outputs for different mixing/effects) or somewhat independently (e.g. multiple segas and Arduinos/Teensys controlled separately/MIDI tempo sync). Ideas welcome.

Devereux, I can send you a ROM to test? Could I get your email address? (PM or email via my profile)

Thanks for all the encouragement everyone.

I'm working on an update to get the tempo locked down precisely right according to the vertical interrupt, and hope to have a second beta ready soon.

Yes, Teensy should work. I think Arduino Uno was just what freezedream could get his hands on easily at the time.

It sounds like the native USB MIDI support on Teensy is USB device not USB host, is that right? USB device could still be useful for PC connectivity as you say. We have been thinking about adding clock sync.

Saskrotch radian jmr, just sent you some things to try. Thanks!

Does anyone know whether Launchpad Mini is the MK2 protocol? I'd be happy to try and add MK2 support if everything else is working.

Yes the UI is done on the sega itself.

At the moment it always loops the current block until you queue up the next one, but open to suggestions.

Jazzmaraz I’ve got a test version which can take commands from the Arduino debug console which would be interesting to try with Nomad

It’s designed so that if you know the MIDI messages used by your controller it shouldn’t be too hard to edit the code to trigger player actions any way you like. The Launchpad bit is a separate module which can be replaced.

It can actually be used with just the sega and a regular joypad as well by moving a cursor around on the grid display.