So, basically what the title says.

I am interested to hear where everyone sets their limits as I have been playing around with song length as of late, leaning towards longer experimentation.

Doh! Alright, I fixed it. It should be working now. *Fingers Crossed*

Hey guys!

So, this is my first post under this alias, hoorah!

I wrote music a while back under a different alias, but then life got in the way a bit and I was forced to stop. I am now able again after a year-ish hiatus and have been working on a few tunes. I have one right here, Atop the Underside (WIP Title).

I feel as though it might be overall a bit too muddy, especially near the end, but I have been going back and forth on it.
Also, is the end missing something? Or is the whole thing missing some kind of more distinct lead? I don't know, I just feel like there is an itch that the end isn't scratching, but I could just be second guessing myself on that one.

This is written in FL (please don't shame me, I recognize my wrongs), for context.

Let me know what you guys think, in general, and to what I referenced. Thanks in advance!
