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Search options / Forums / Posts by ZachhacZ808
Ok, I'm running Ubuntu in a virtual box.
I've found about three tutorials that all describe the same thing... (install a bunch of things, set stuff up...)
but when I try to do:
sudo ./
I get an error saying:
Couldn't find dependencies:
- automake-1.9
../depends/ Failed
ERROR: Could not run the toolchain script.
... I installed automake, tried removing it and reinstalling it, and tried requesting specifically automake-1.9... I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong.
I've tried changing buffer lengths and using asio but nothing seems to make a difference.
There seems to be a little cpu spike then a small glitch in the audio. I'm assuming these are underruns.
I can't figure out how to fix them.
How do I configure Piggy to work on my PC as well as it does on my PSP?
Thanks for the positivity everybody!
I'll definitely be recording more tracks soon.
I'm still trying to master the art of recording on a budget. I'd like to do everything (besides sample production and master recordings) without a laptop, and I'm really liking the sound of tape despite the fuzziness.
I have a lot of songs in different styles and I'm excited to show them off alittle.
I've been working with LGPT aka the Piggy Tracker and I love it.
I recorded this using a PSP, guitar, and a four track tape recorder.
I'm new to this forum and look forward to learning as much as I can and taking part in the community.
I'm running into trouble setting up the tool chain. It says the connection times out every time I try to download it...
Will Raspbian work? I have a Pi.
Could somebody help me out with compiling LGPT for PSP?
I'd like to experiment with the code and play around but I'm fairly n00b.
I got a hello world eboot to work using this tutorial:
I'm not sure where to go from here though.
Could somebody guide me through this process? or at least help point me in the direction I need to go.
I'm on a laptop running windows 10.
Posts found: 7 / Forums / Posts by ZachhacZ808