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Search options / Forums / Posts by M4uesviecr
Marc, you are wonderful!
I did some research on my own as well (though nothing about hardware) and I came to the same conclusion - the psgs will be out of tune. This hasn't been a problem for my other tracks, so I decided to edit the part-writing and it helped a bit. Push comes to shove, I'll just tell the dev that a little bite is mandatory. 
Thanks so much! I really appreciate your generous help.
Hey all. I am writing music for a home brew game and I am struggling with some super crazy intonation issues with the PSGs. Anyone have any idea as to what is going on?
I have edited the dt knobs so that the pitches are neutral (0), and it's still bad. I've gone as far as properly tuning my FM instruments, but the problem persists.
I have links to the mp3 and will attach the VGe file later (no Internet so posting from phone):
Mp3 - Title Theme
Thanks in advance!
Posts found: 2 / Forums / Posts by M4uesviecr