(2 replies, posted in Collaborations)

Hello urbster1!

You helped us 100%! THANKS!
I've send you a PM.

Grtz. every1


(2 replies, posted in Collaborations)

Hello every1,

I am Julian Henri, Publisher of retro games and I need some help...
I hope there is someone here who can help.

If this is the wrond forum area, I'm sorry...

For an upcoming game we need a person who can create a .FTM track file (on FamiTracker).
The song is already done and we can provide all the musicnotes and even a video of the song played on a piano.

It's a royalty free song and it's only the first 26 seconds...

Now, I can spend a lot of hours trying to figure it out, or let someone do it and pay him for his trouble.

I hope someone in here knows a person for who this is a piece of cake.
Grtz. J. Henri