Thanks, Ledfyr -- but I'm hoping for a solution that doesn't involve spending more money.

I've heard that changing the delay in the code can fix this -- but I can't find any information as to how. I don't even know if I should be increasing the delay or decrease it, because everyone who mentions it doesn't give details.

Hi. I'm new. Just got myself an ArduinoBoy, and was super excited about being able to use the midi out mode to use LSDJ to control my other synthesizers. Only when I run midi out, intermittently the midi data will freeze for a moment then resume. Does anyone have a clue what could be wrong? I'm completely a novice here, so I don't even know what my first step in troubleshooting this is.

Edit: after doing a test where I had a table that outputs two polyphonic notes, I'm beginning to think this is because of dropped notes, because when one stops the other still makes noise.