(55 replies, posted in Releases)

Actually, I really enjoy hearing people's opinions on the vocals and album's concept, especially if they are intelligently explained like I've seen displayed here.

I can't help but agree with you guys when you say these two things don't go together. I know from experience how hard it was to even attempt to put them together. That's pretty much what led to me making the vocals in DPCM format in the first place. Normal vocals over top of the NES chiptune would have sounded hilarious. The only way to put them on the same level as the music was to drag them through the NES hardware as well.

To be sure, this entire album started out as an experiment in how far I could take the NES sound, and I definitely understand when people don't really agree with the sound. But this album should also not be taken as seriously as a typical death metal album. Almost all of the lyrics are about cosmological phenomenon, or the misinterpretation of, with two humongous Star Trek TNG references. So if you find the combo of the angry vocals and the chip sound to be comical, that kind of works for me as well ^_^.

In any case, I really appreciate your guys honesty and thoughts on the album, positive or Negative. smile


(55 replies, posted in Releases)

Oh man, please do! I have a hard time imagining straight up metal heads getting into this. I would love to hear what they think, from a metal head point of view.


(55 replies, posted in Releases)

Thanks for checking it out my friends! Sorry it took so long to come out haha. Here's to another 4 years till me next release <_<


(55 replies, posted in Releases)

Album Artwork by Francis Coulombe & Josiah Tobin

01 Anomaly
02 Desert of Blackened Sands
03 Four Lights
04 Process of Macrocosmic Emaciation
05 Naga Sotuva
06 Reciprocal Dimensions
07 Paradoxes are Unveiled
08 Proton Decay
09 Quantum Uncertainty
10 A Barrage of Hostile Abstractions
11 Becoming Superluminal
12 Nucleation of a Child Universe
13 Never to Return
14 A Castle Under Siege
15 Spinning (NES Spiral Architect cover)


This is it friends. It's finally out. This thing has been 4 years in the making, and more hours than every one of my other projects combined. You can download the mp3s for free thanks to those awesome dudes at PAUSE, which also includes all 15 of the original .it files, as well as the .it files for 10 B-side cut tracks which didn't make the album. That nearly comes to an hour of music!

As an even more insane option, you can also purchase the physical disc, with a full 4 page booklet including the lyrics (and what would appear to be a shit load of spelling mistakes.. Oh well, there's always next time) and some completely amateur graphic design by yours truly. At the moment I have 17 copies left, so if you are interested in obtaining the culmination of my life's work in the form of a physical CD, feel free to follow the Paypal link on the album page at PAUSE.

Dudes, it's been a hell of a toboggan ride. Enjoy!


(27 replies, posted in Bugs and Requests)

Avatars 64x64 pixels would be killer. I have a bunch of 64x64 from other forums I can't use here.... Ho Hum.


(17 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I approve of this concept. Carry on!