Hey everybody. I've been working on this acid trance inspired Nanoloop jam off and on for a few months now, and I was hoping to get some critiques on it. I'm using Nanoloop 1.7.6, and I was trying to do a hard-sync effect with the custom wave channel, but maybe I'm not understanding how to do it correctly?
Other than that I'm looking for some sound design critiques: how are my waves sounding? vibrato? more dynamics? etc.


https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B6SrHK … lFUGM/view


(1 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Hey everybody. Nice to meet you. You can call me ratty. So I just got my wife's old DMG, but the main PCB was pretty much destroyed by corrosion (e.g., wouldn't power on even with an external power adapter, actual bits of PCB chipping off everywhere), but I figured the screen was still good. I bought a different DMG online with a wonky screen to part out, but it just so happens that the old LCD actually doesn't work. On the PCB attached to the old LCD, the LED indicator comes on, and the speaker used to come on, but in the middle of examining everything that speaker stopped working, too. The LCD flashed the boot screen once, but I haven't been able to get it to come back.

The wonky screen works just fine other than a few black dots. They seem to be on the very top layer.

So I guess I have two questions:
1) What is causing the trouble with the old LCD? Do you think it's the ribbon cable? Is there anything I can do about it?
2) Is there anyway I can get rid of these black dots?
