(234 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Well I am very very appreciative of the ability to at least try out all these nifty MIDI programs using the nanoloop adapter as my one-stop solution. I was getting pretty discouraged seeing how unstandardized and technically complicated all these gameboy music interfaces are, thinking I'd have to go get an engineering degree and break the bank just to be able to make some decent chiptunes with my MIDI keyboard. So you just brought my spirits up immensely! big_smile


(234 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

HOLY SHIT NITRO2K01 I LOVE YOU!!! after researching and bashing my head in trying to figure out what's what all day, this honestly just made me so happy! thank you so much!!!


(234 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Ah ok, thank you so much for clearing that up Oliver! Really appreciate it.
I'll be buying your adapter and using mGB then.


(234 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Greetings from the future!

Can anybody give me a complete list of gb/gbc roms that this Nanoloop midi usb adapter has been proven to work with? In particular, does it work with Pushpin? I'm looking to create a midi-keyboard-playable gameboy color setup with as much sound design flexibility as possible (ideally with LSDJ-like wave drawing and table functionality), and as far as I have read, that means using Pushpin.

Also if I am wrong about this, please enlighten me. I am very new to this, aside from having a good grasp of LSDJ on an emulator.