(4 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

UPDATE: I figured it out. As it turns out, this most recent batch of Handheld Legend Polarizing film squares I received had a second layer of protective plastic  on them. SO instead of having one piece of protective plastic per side, it had two per side. Not sure if this is how they will be selling them moving forward or if this was an anomaly... None the less, I pulled the second layer of film off and the problem went away.


(4 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Awesome! Thank you for the tip. I just posted it to facebook. Hopefully it works out.

https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid … amp;type=3


(4 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Also, now I feel like a total idiot...how do I post a photo? I took a picture to better explain what I'm talking about, but I have no idea how to post it on this forum board.

Clearly I'm useless...


(4 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

All, hope this finds you well. I am new to THIS community, but I am not new to the community of refurbishing old gaming consoles, etc. I've recently discovered this site and it appears to be the most comprehensive site I've found with respect to the modding of Gameboys. So I am hoping to 1) get some help on a current issue and 2) continue to be a part of the overarching community you've already set up.

I've been purchasing my DMG-01 back-light/bivert kits from HHL and the last couple of polarizing films I've installed have what I can only describe as a smeared appearance.

Initially I thought I applied the film too soon after wiping the screen with ISO alcohol to remove the old adhesive. However for the most recent mod I did, I waited an extra hour to allow for the ISO to dry. (FWIW I am using 99% ISO)

So I'm kind of at a loss now. I don't know what I can do to remove this smear and I'd hate to chalk this screen up as ruined when everything else works great. Any advice/suggestions would be most appreciated.

Also, as I am new to this board, I apologize if this has already been addressed. I tried searching this issue before posting, but couldn't find a solution.
