

(2 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Ok I'll disassemble soon. Yeah, only does it when I'm making music. It doesn't seem to happen with games. I also get noise on the built-in headphones, but the added audio port is clear.


(2 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

My DMG emits a heinous noise from the Speaker since installing the Pro-Audio and Backlight kit. Any idea why? Sounds like ground noise to me. Can't shake it down.


I've just installed a Frontlight in my CGB to take around writing. The unit has new Alkaline batteries. When I power it up with no cartridge, Frontlight functions normally. When I power it up with a Cartridge in it (Tetris) it is on but it's a little dim and it flickers on and off. When I power it up with the GB USB 64M Smart Card with LSDJ on it, the light is very, very dim.

Sometimes when it's intermittent I can whack the console and it kinda gets brighter with Tetris in, no effect with LSDJ. I double-checked all my terminations and they're solid solder joints. What else can I do to shoot the trouble?

Much love.

Where is this event?