I'm resurrecting this post, as I'm having a similar issue. I recently acquired a cart with LSDJ v5.9.1 and upon inserting it into my Gameboy Color, I saw the message "Cartridge test Testing save RAM Please wait... fail! Try cleaning pins or replace battery. Sorry!" (screenshots of Gameboy and cart below).
I've tried the following:
— followed the link to How To: Completely Erase the ROM of an EMS 64m USB Gameboy Cart, but it doesn't seem like my cart is an EMS 64m nor do I have a cart reader. So this doesn't seem like a solution, right?
— I cleaned the cart and Gameboy pins with 91% isopropyl alcohol.
— As suggested in the LSDJ manual "Try removing and re-inserting your cartridge about thirty, forty times.", also to no avail.
Is there a way to check the battery to see if it's truly dead? If it isn't dead can I use any old 3V coin cell as a replacement?
Any tips or guidance on bringing this cart to working order would be much appreciated.