You're lucky to get even that... I actually tried to link to the changelog.

I just released 1.5.4, has quite a few little fixes and some not so small (which I still can't remember anymore).

If you really want to try klystrack, have you tried running something like VirtualBox with Ubuntu?


14:17 <@df_> iit's probably 10.5+
14:17 <@df_> i'm running 10.6

I don't know because I haven't touched the OSX port. I should ask deltafire.

1.5.3 is out, the usual warnings about hidden bugs apply. I'll get back to that protracker key mapping later.

Thanks. I'll try to make the commands match as well as possible.

Alright, the latest nightly (middaily?) has keyboard shortcut definition presets. Check the key directory for file FT2. Will update the wiki soon. Could someone provide Protracker etc. keymappings?

akira^8GB wrote:

Well most trackers show all channels regardless of if I am using it at a specific sequencer position or not.

The difference here is that AHX can't have empty sequence positions and all patterns are of same length. I guess at least channel headers could be drawn when there is no pattern at all (now it's a weird hybrid of single pattern editor and multiple channel editor).

EDIT: Also, no idea about the Linux bug. I don't know why SDL_mixer doesn't give any error message but I think the error happens in that library (audio settings?)

Lazerbeat wrote:

I am having trouble in linux, I get this error on startup

~ $ klystrack
[FATAL] Mix_OpenAudio failed: 

Would love any advice, all other audio apps run fine

Did you install it using the .deb package?

Yes, it will show only the patterns the current sequence step has set (you can have empty sequences). Also, in compact mode, you can set the visible pattern data columns to fit even more channels.

Ok, a quick question regarding to keyboard shortcuts: does any of the "classic" keyboard commands rely on which CTRL/shift etc. you press? E.g. are there situations left CTRL + X does something different than right CTRL + X?

Lazerbeat wrote:

Idea 1 - I think Syphus mentioned this on the facebook page but mappable keyboard shortcuts would be very helpful.

I'm just experimenting with something that makes it possible to translate keyhits to other combinations. If it works, I'll make the different key setups (or more like patches) similar to themes so you can select e.g. AHX style key commands.

Idea 5 - I might be being totally idiotic here but I can't work out how to select rows in the sequence editor, only columns, am I being utterly stupid here?

It only selects one column at a time, for now.

Idea 7 - Set default pattern length? I like using longer patterns of 1f or 3f rather than 0f, a default pattern setting would be awesome

I finally added this (check the nightly later today) smile



I released klystrack 1.5.1 for Christmas. It fixes some stuff that was still in 1.5.0. Amiga and OSX ports will follow (so far there are only preview builds of 1.5.1 for those platforms).

Here's a random tune I found on Youtube that uses the pattern transpose feature to create fat sound (nice that people notice the stuff I put in the program smile ):


PlainFlavored wrote:

This is like the reverse of GoatTracker. It's easy to make instruments, but hard to arrange them together in any sensible way.

Can you elaborate where exactly this disconnect happens? I know stuff is explained a bit poorly (e.g. how the sequence is not a position list but a pattern "map") but I have always hoped it's at least usable. At least of the little I have used Goat the general composition process doesn't seem that different.

Hi, I'm the guy who made this thing. I'm very (very) close to releasing version 1.5 and would like some feedback if there's anything serious enough to delay the release. Thanks.

What's new: … proaching/
Download: (get the 1.5.0-WIP builds, Windows only)