Have thanks for this list!! Cool work!!
1 Apr 14, 2019 11:22 am
Re: Complete Gameboy Trackers, Sequencers, Synths list . . . (94 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)
2 Apr 14, 2019 11:17 am
Re: Odroid Go (6 replies, posted in Other Hardware)
That's for sure, right. Beside the emulator you can run Doom on it. So there is a way to flash more than just the GoPlay-emulator on the odroid go.
There is a guy who do several things for the odroid go:
Perhaps he has a clue if it's possible. I will contact him later that day.
3 Apr 12, 2019 4:34 pm
Re: Odroid Go (6 replies, posted in Other Hardware)
Hay there,
I'm trying to convince LSDJ to make sounds.
What do you mean with piggy?
Edit: Ah, LittleGPTracker. Can't find anything in relation to Odroid Go. Don't know how to flash it...
4 Apr 7, 2019 7:09 pm
Re: Odroid Go (6 replies, posted in Other Hardware)
Hay there,
yes I own one for just this purpose.
I bought me a DAC Hat from thebackofficeshow.com
but unfortunately it doesn't work.
I'm testing around in the moment to get this thing working.
But without the Hat it works just fine.