is anyone live here? i have a questions about it. we are try to attach new songs into RRR game. that original driver have some problem - first is size, second is samples and song at same time. now when Larry says some - song is paused.
both that problem was solved, but into two different thread it can be played samples and song at same time, but limit of song is 3 kb. it can be played up to 32kb song, but when will play samples - song will paused. and next problem is - deflemask 2 rrr converter. i have some problem will effects. my note bend is going to some wrong place... and i am stuck with it.
so idea is to change driver. so choice is GEMS or this one. with GEMS no have size limit, no have samples and song at same time problem. but slides... that deflemask's effects is killing me. how to recount all that effects into RRR drivers, or into GEMS - no idea. with XGM, as i heard - with that effects is no problem. but our technical's expert says it will be problem with a samples quality. what is that problem? it need to play 8bit 8000 PCM mono samples. at same time as melody plays. it is some narrator phrases.
can some one i little explain? remember - explain like for a child. i am not very technical expert just by simple words.