Hey guys, I'm VERY new here as I was directed to here by a new found friend. I thank him alot as this is just the kind of place I was looking for.
Anyways to the point, I released my first ever EP a month or two ago and its had a good response from some folk which I am pretty happy with. I would now like to share it here.
I would like to point out now though thatI am still learning ALOT and its been in the last year I have really gotten into the chiptune scene and as a result I have learnt that I have alot to catch up on.
I dont think my music is in many ways thaaaat good but its something I wanted to share with people anyways as it was at a point where i need to start letting people hear what I had been doing for the past months.
You can find the free EP here at: http://fragilechaos.bandcamp.com
Enjoy and let me know what you think! 