that did it!!! thanks so much, my head was going to burst into little pixels... Just in case someone makes the same mistake I did... I was connecting the ground pin on the optoisolator to the ground on the gb (while using another power source) ... duh! !!!!! smile

thanks for both replies, I've checked both of the possible solutions and then i found out arduinoboy is not flashing the light's when MIDI data is beig sent to the corresponding channel, what is the possible trouble shooting for this? I've double checked the schematics and i'm quite sure everything is in it's correct place, I'm also quite sure all resistors and the diode are fine, is it possible the optoisolator is messed up? or maybe eveb the arduino board? how can i check this?

I've been hooking up an arduinoboy using a RBBB Kit from Modern Device, USB BUB Board as a powersupply and a M-Audio Axiom25 as a MIDI Controller. All the leds light up in the correct order, Mode Switch also works perfectly, I'm also sure MIDI messages are being send in Nanoloop Mode and LSDJ Master Mode since the led for logical level in the BUB Board lights up everytime I hit a key on the keyboard, but I can't get it to do anything, in one of my first tests i was able to play a note on mGB but that's all, could someone give me a hand, could it be something i have to set on the MIDI Controller? is the Arduino board toasted? Should the status led light up only at start-up? Please help me out!!!