Why cm.o? We're so anti-troll. Hell we're pretty much anti-everything.
hell yeah it's cool to be grumpy on chipmusic.org
Wait, I'm anti-grumpiness...so we are anti-everything
chipmusic.org is an online community in respect and relation to chip music, art and its parallels.
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ChipMusic.org / Forums / Posts by an0va
Why cm.o? We're so anti-troll. Hell we're pretty much anti-everything.
hell yeah it's cool to be grumpy on chipmusic.org
Wait, I'm anti-grumpiness...so we are anti-everything
an I/O Chip Music jawn
Fully supported use of jawn!
I actually delete all chains in unused channels and record the lone channel by itself. Then just reopen the song without saving changes and do it again for the other channels. Apparently, even when you mute a channel, the gameboy will still try to process all the information. At least on a DMG for me.
settle down or i will have to stop the car
Goddammit, this was a bump. oh well-glad i'm seeing it now
You just made the release I've always wanted to make. Sounds great!
Only got to listened to "we have to break through" on my phone, but I loved it! Will download tonight
I'd suggest just making a brand new account, fwiw
best thread 2012
an0va wrote:lol thanks for just OFFERING MY APARTMENT WITHOUT ANY WARNING
Gonna stay at your apartment now thnx 2 SKGB!!1
dude you live IN PHILADELPHIA lolol
I have my LSDJ manual printed out and in a 3-hole punch binder.
btw, if anyone needs a place to crash in philly, I highly suggest you talk to me, Pixls, or An0va.
we all have places to crash, and if it doesn't work out we know people with places to crash.
Audacity actually does have all of these features
It's cool walter b. gentle! I just feared pages of another HORSE the band debate again on a sincere topic here to promote releases
Oh fuck yeah, Cheapshot's Streets of Bass
ChipMusic.org / Forums / Posts by an0va