Jellica wrote:

and there is lots of great repetitive music

this is also very very very true - lots of styles even focus on making repetitive yet perfect grooves (techno is a great example)

HillyOTM wrote:

When I write a new section it just feels disjointed from the previous one, but how do I know if it's just me having listened to one part without the other 300 times, or of it really does suck?

IMO you won't know if it really sucks or is amazing - that's subjective and for others to decide for themselves i think wink
I also think it's really important to keep finishing songs if even as a way of practicing songwriting

because even if you write something that you feel 100% excited about on all parts, people might still hate it haha. people also might love the part you spent the least amount of time on. it's just good to keep making music and honing your craft

IMO many times parts feel repetitive because we accidentally listen to it too much. we build a great pattern or progression and never seem to get farther because we become so used to the feel of that one specific pattern. this sometimes makes any new part sound "bad," but I think that we mistakenly believe that just because it's different from the first pattern that we listened to so much. it's hard to explain and i'm holding myself out from going too into the psychology of it, but think of it this way:

1.) every pattern we make starts off basic and becomes more complete when we work on it more
2.) we avoid repetitiveness by creating new patterns or using old elements with a different approach
3.) if you've already completed a pattern and are attempting to write a new one, you're basically going to point #1 again. every new section will always feel inferior to the previous one at first, if even only because you haven't worked on it as long

i have no idea if i'm making any sense here, but that's how I think about it anyway - don't be hard on yourself and keep writing music smile

On chipWIN: Admittedly, as a generally snobby person hesitant to change, I was pretty cautious about Chiptunes = WIN when it first started. I didn't like the branding or the plethora of n00bs trying to cash in with gameboy covers or endless video game remixes. But time has passed now and the only thing the chipWIN team has been guilty of is that the team really cares about the music. I've heard some really sick musicians for the first time on there, too. I was wrong and I should probably practice being open to new things more often in the future.

And of course, if you don't like the banter facebook group, just don't follow it. wink But there is a small yet very real population of people looking to that group for new music now and that's really rad to me.

herr_prof wrote:

I do what I want.

IMO, it's really just this!
Don't listen to anyone that tells you what you should be doing.

And also, realistically: Just because you have your own style doesn't mean it will be successful XD


(325 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

herr_prof wrote:

Youve never obviously been to a NYC supermarket.

LOL reading through the whole thread was worth it for this


(325 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

what in the eff is going on in this thread


(27 replies, posted in General Discussion)

looks like one fret is controlling a set level of vibrato - nice !

Feryl wrote:

Wow guys! There's no 8BC to go to, all we have is this and BandCamp.

Sometimes I check out a track or two, mostly if I recognize the artist. But I do look pretty regularly.

I'm actually surprised at how many other people aren't listening to tracks on here tbh because this is exactly what I was thinking - this place is pretty much the only remembered community specific location for chipmusic on the internet now, so I thought listening to tracks here would be more common  o_O

Fearofdark wrote:

(I actually don't get why more people don't use uCollective; seems the only thing it's missing is "more people")

True. I think the thing with ucollective is that not many people know it exists or if they hear/read "uCollective," they have no idea that it's a thing for chiptune/8bit/etc.

And soundcloud, well, is soundcloud lol XD

Honest question! I don't think I personally have listened to more than a handful of tracks on there. Something about this page just makes me gravitate right to the forum posts and completely skip over any of the new tracks. I feel like I'm probably a minority here, though! smile

this is rad!

RJL wrote:

No,  that's the sort of info i need!  Could I buy/use a USB numpad perhaps?

you could, of course, but IMO if you're buying a cheap portable device you might as well have it be all in one - just my personal preference, of course! smile


(15 replies, posted in Software & Plug-ins)

I found this myself earlier this year and was HYPED - it even works great on OSX!!

i totally forgot about my a500 in the other room, lol

not to play devil's advocate here, but if you're going for a cheap PC laptop I would highly suggest at least one with a different keyboard layout! lots of old trackers use the numpad which the laptop you posted does not have smile