apparently it is only the songs with more than ten likes. I KNEW THE 8BC LIKES SYSTEM WAS BAD IDEA
Dang. That's not as great as it could be. is an online community in respect and relation to chip music, art and its parallels.
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apparently it is only the songs with more than ten likes. I KNEW THE 8BC LIKES SYSTEM WAS BAD IDEA
Dang. That's not as great as it could be.
Invisible Robot Hands wrote:I'm kind of curious to see how Vice would handle presenting chipmusic (They wouldn't be covering drugs or politics, so they'd less likely to fuck up their portrayal).
I think you'll find The Creators Project already did, with a 3-part feature on Datathrash Recordings and its artists.
I'm quite happy with how that turned out. It's gear-centric but has music embeds right along side and some nice intros. Was a good experience.
This joke just got funny again. Hardeeharhar!!
Send your song:
Scotch Egg.
P.S. ifd should know better, shame on them for being crappy
Appropriation will/is/has already happened. No sense even wasting your time thinking about that.
"chip going mainstream" is when it gets popular enough to be mixed in with all the other media we are subjected to every day. And by "it" I mean the music we all recognize as being good chipmusic. Not a Reznor soundtrack or stale techno.
IFD is a mainstream rock band grabbing some chip as a gimmick.
Chip artists becoming well known and listened to enough to be considered mainstream is something different altogether.
It'd be great. The whole "selling out" concept is a myth. Artists can only hold themselves responsible.
You've got until Monday before this goes to eBay.
You'll need $1500, then i'll come to your house and make some sweet jams.
By the one from Boner.
i love watership down. its like LOTR for people who prefer rabbits over goblins.
“All the world will be your enemy, Prince of a Thousand enemies. And when they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you; digger, listener, runner, Prince with the swift warning. Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed.”
I can dig it. In fact, I really like this! / Forums / Posts by egr