It's really late and I'm feeling kinda wistful and this seems like the best place to shitpost about feels and stuff.
For no good reason, Datathrash Recordings (and Datathrash the tumblr before that) got wonderful support right off the bat. When I started it I was still just discovering what chipmusic and lofi hardcore was and could be and I was so freaking excited about it! Of course the timing was somehow perfect what with Timeheater coming out of retirement and the triforce of Wizwars, Kool Skull, and Shitbird all kinda exploding at the same time. That initial momentum, like a Big Bang, carried Datathrash along for quite a while. And then my ultimate dream/goal started happening: all these artists that I loved so much began creating a second generation AND bringing lesser known and non-scene artists out of the woodwork. Whether you wanted to call it "chipthrash" or whatever there now seemed to be a whole slew of lofi hardcore and experimental artists in the spotlight (well at least out little spotlight). Me and Chad had all we could handle with figuring out how to coordinate with people and get the word out and do it in a not stupid as fuck way. Sometimes we did a better job than others.
When Kevin and Michael joined us we had a killer staff that really got a lot of cool shit done (ya'll really should have bought that DVD that Kevin put together, it's super cool) even while we jabbered and argued and made obscene dick jokes behind the scenes. We just wore ourselves out trying to figure out how to keep growing and being a better resource for the artists that we liked to the point that we began to not be much help to anyone. I'm not sad about it. Trying hard to make something worthwhile is good way to burn out. I have no idea how we could have done things any differently.
I love ya'll. Thanks for loving us. 
-egr aka AoF aka Datathrash Arnie