I'm currently working on a mashup album that combines classic video game soundtracks with rap vocals. The tracks are coming along nicely so it's time to start thinking about artwork!

I'm thinking of something that combines the attitude/aura of rap music with pixel art/video game style art but if you have another idea I'm definitely open to suggestions.

What's in it for you?


I am going to heavily promote this release and I can guarantee it will be seen by thousands of people. I will credit you and link to your website/portfolio at every opportunity.

Here's a sample of an early version of one of the tracks so that you can get an idea of the album will sound like: http://www.mediafire.com/?nzp93g917gy78bg

That track is a remix of the Greenhill Zone theme from Sonic The Hedgehog.

If you're interested, please contact me at [email protected]
