Lucky! I wanna go!!!!

Hahahaha I came on the second day, but I didn't really talk to anyone, I was with a Japanese girl and we just kept to ourselves mostly. ^___^   I'm a bit shy sometimes.

I agree! Last year: sound was amazing, line-up was amazing, energy was amazing

Also, staying in Japan can be as cheap as you make it really.
Eat junk-food and rice=cheap
Eat at restaurants (unless you know the cheap chains)=expensive

Get a map (or a local) and walk from close to places to other close places in Tokyo (aka, Ueno to Akihabara is like 5 minutes, Akihabara to Ochanomizu (the music district) is like 5 minutes, Shibuya to Harajuku is about 5-10 minutes)
Ride the train EVERYWHERE=expensive

and phones you can get at the airport, or check craigslist before you come. people sell their phones and prepay plans all the time.



(88 replies, posted in General Discussion)

L-tron is officially out of the country as of about 30 minutes ago. He's planning on coming back when things coold down a bit though. Thanks Lazerbeat for the posts. I feel mostly the same way as you, but it's hard to not be little freaked out when everyone you know from back home is spazzing hard (aka keeping an eye out for us, but only watching the American news which probably told everyone that 20 power plants blew up and godzilla is coming in fast from Korea or some equal garbage). Thanks man, because its calming to hear some positive amongst all the negative.


(88 replies, posted in General Discussion)

L-tron is here with me and we are alright as well. We are in Chiba, about 150 miles from the power plants and the earthquake epicenter. aftershocks totally suck!

heck yes! L-tron's album is flippin amazing!!


(66 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Hello! Yay for change!