Conquer Monster is playing a show tomorrow in Provo, UT, USA, Earth, Milky Way!

It is the debut performance from Laura Lamn + S2_Cool, which is a new electronic project featuring Stu Maxfield from Fictionist.

Also, playing is House of Lewis (specifically Chance and Apt)

This venue is kind of unique, space is limited, so RSVPs are required, and there are about 10 invites left.

If interested, you must send an email to:, they will send you an electro-invite and you must RSVP to that invite to attend.

Here are the details:

Conquer Monster song:

Laura Lamn + S2_Cool song:

House of Lewis song:

Conquer Monster is the only artist, but the show will be pretty awesome regardless!


(69 replies, posted in Collaborations)

Imaginary, I just emailed you my submission.

Band: Conquer Monster
Song: Posthuman

Thanks for putting this all together!

catskull wrote:

This show was a total blast! Conquer Monster stole the show.

I took some photos but I'm a horrible photographer. Here's the best two photos I took:

Thanks for sharing these!  I'm not much of a photography critic, but I think (especially considering the low lighting) that they look great!


(46 replies, posted in General Discussion)

For me I think it was Kazuki Muraoka and Kenichi Matsubara.  My friend got Contra, Metal Gear and Simon's Quest for Christmas one year and fell in love with the music. Though I always liked the music on these games, I never thought much about chiptunes as a musical genre until I heard The Advantage.  Though they are not technically chiptune, they re-introduced me to the music I loved in my earlier years.  From here I looked into modern 8-bit artists and eventually started making my own chiptunes.


(1,620 replies, posted in General Discussion)

YukiKakushi wrote:

I don't really have much currently but it's building up slowly.

Here's a list of things I have currently and things that are coming in the mail.

2x Gameboy Colors (One with pro-sound mod and just being lazy about installing the mod in the other GBC)
1 DMG (Waiting for pro-sound mod to come in the mail)
1 Light boy
1 Gameboy Advance SP
1 Gp2x f-200 (coming in the mail)
1 DMG-07(also in the mail)
1 Numark DXM06
2x LSDJ Carts

Sounds like a fun time! smile

catskull wrote:



This is TONIGHT at 8pm!!!! Last reminder on here!


(1,620 replies, posted in General Discussion)

tearauth wrote:

This is all ive got at the moment, actually sounding alright so far. Need a mixer as i cant really do anything live at the moment

Nice and simple.  I like it!


(15 replies, posted in General Discussion)

calmdownkidder wrote: … ring#gid=0 There's a worldwide list here.

This is pretty cool.  Thanks for sharing this!!!!


Never mind I messed up.

I couldn't find a picture of the one that I have exactly, but this picture looks like it could be close to the same thing. 

Mine is florescent pink, and has a spot for a DMG (I actually use two GBC in that slot) and another compartment for our carts and cables.  It would be a tight fit for your stuff, but I think it would work.  I know there are slightly larger carrying cases for gameboys, but I haven't actually used them.


(1 replies, posted in Releases)

I like the idea of this, but.... seizure.

The song is cool.

herr_prof wrote:

We also had a podcast curated by Random


81ttr45hr10t wrote:

Radio shows:
Soundchip anno dazumal (
-> always chip
Ultimas Lagrimas ( … -lagrimas/)
-> gamewave/bitpop


I've had a few people ask about what merch will be available at the show on Saturday, so I added some pictures to the original post.

catskull wrote:

Totally awesome release man. You guys are killer on the merch. A VHS release, a diskette cd and a comic? How can I resist? Are you going to have plenty of merch at the show on saturday?

Yes, we'll have all of our crazy merch stuff at the show on Saturday!

Hope to see you there!
