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Four tracks that I thought were cool.
Please tell me how I did!


[1] HEY,MAN!
[2] Sleep
[3] Someone Call an Ambience
[4] Death is Cool

Download link: http://download1041.mediafire.com/mnfqd … s+cool.zip

Okay, heres the separate channels. they're not all aligned properly though.


I made a song a while back and i was wondering if someone could do something with it and re upload it. i know it sounds like complete shit, but thats why I'm posting it. to see if someone could make it into something great.


I've been trying it out on my friends iPod and have found that i like the sounds a lot more and i think its easier to use than the ones for the gb. does anyone know of a iPod/android emulator for PC that i could run this on? thanks.