What is the max amount of ram the mini can take? And number of slots for the ram.

LG makes a killer display, as does samsung. You can also use an iMac as a thunderbolt driven display if you want the newer laminate style.

I would honestly go for a regular display over a thunderbolt one as it's more versatile. Plus like 1/3 the cost

Dude you have no respect for R and D. Don't give us some bs when your morals are bent. Don't buy what you can't afford. You are a free rider, only on board if it helps you and not around when someone asks for the loot. This is a huge problem in this country (USA). 

Are lambos over priced because you can't afford them, or are they out of your financial loop?

What would you say if something you produced was devalued by black market. Say you lost your job to someone doing it for half the price working under the table?

Think cause and effect not as selfishly as you are.

I'm super pissed


Here's the portability bottom line for iMacs: yes it's large but yes it's one piece. not sure if haul it to gigs, might be too sketchy. can also replace the ram in it yourself. Mac minis are the best way to get a high powered Mac for the least money possible. Upgrading the ram etc yourself also saves you a huge amount.

Corsair makes great 1600mhz ram that works perfect with Mac (note not the Mac memory the specifically sell, I can get you part number if you want)

Also no DVD drive in pretty much any new Mac so if you plan to dual boot (boot camp etc) you will want one. They are super good little drives for 80$ the apple displays are very nice but I would wait one more generation of Thunderbolt Display until they are laminated like the imac displays (there is air gap between LCD and glass known to have debris issues even from factory and this also cause like a weird double glare)

I have a love hate with the new lineup. Hate that I can't replace the parts love the hardware. The 15inch retina MacBooks are a wonderful piece of hardware. oddly enough I really am most impressed with the 13inch MacBook Air. Can get an i7 in them and they are stupid fast (pcie flash etc).

I ended up going imac due to graphics power, but it was between that and the retina 15"

As far as a windows based recommendation, acer makes some pretty solid 13-15" laptops at a very good price. fanboys will hate but they seem to be very good to me

Puke_Flytalker wrote:

drag n doge neeeds to exist..

i feel like this whole everdrive line is going to get knocked off by china because the whole retro gaming boom.. which then ill buy a knock off one bc im not paying $100 for a gb cart or any other of those carts... ill just deal with the bs that comes along with the 64m carts..

And this is why carts like this take forever to develope. Nobody respects costs and time in R and D.

Maybe not. Musicians can now have x many programs and x many versions and x many saves

When all hope was lost.

Buy one, I'm sure it will be amazing.



You end up needing to modify each rom itself correct? (Due to where the physical addresses of the roms end up in respect to the whole memory)


(Was more aiming at the fact it wouldn't solve the issue that he preceived)

katsumbhong wrote:
Alpine wrote:

I'm hella interested in this, £25 + pnp for 5 carts with lsdj/ carrilon on would be p boss

If the carts are non-programmable by the end user, your saves are done once the battery shits the bed.

Would be beneficial if they came with LittleFM + lsdj.

First little fm needs a re programmable IC and second SRAM is always reprogramable unless it's some really really proprietary cart. I doubt this to be an issue on any mbc-blah carts

Z-axis tape. what

Micro sd pls

Just wait for my laserdisc cart to drop


(13 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

You can pop it in and out quick to switch banks, used the method to copy stuff from mine to my emerger cart


(13 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

64m USB cards CAN be programmed via the ems flasher via cart edge connector