(11 replies, posted in General Discussion)

http://www.doctoroctoroc.com/8-bit-jesus this is the only one I know of


(11 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Ok, that clears things up considerably. Thanks!


(11 replies, posted in General Discussion)

After I posted this I ran across the 8-bit Jesus album. I can't wait for Christmas. My boys are gonna go nuts over this stuff.


(11 replies, posted in General Discussion)


I was first introduced to this genre of music via the Engadget Show. To be perfectly honest I thought it was a little off the deep end of geek for me, but I guess it tuned out not to be.

You have to understand that I am a second class geek, being 35 years old but not getting interested in computers until I was about 21. Sure, I had a computer class where we learned a little BASIC and played with Apple II computers. My Dad even bought us a TRS-80, but I didn't really use it. My brother and I played a lot of Atari, but by the time Mario was cool I just didn't care for video games much...mostly because I am no good at them!

I earned an associates degree in computer networking from community college, but it was a bad program with poor teachers (with a few notable exceptions) and I never found work in the field. Although, from that time forward I was immersed in tech. A few years later I attended a Christian college and got a degree in Christian Education. I did some ministry, but health problems have left me mostly incapacitated. It was then that I started messing with programming languages, but never really got far. Lately I have been studying Ruby and am having lots of fun. I am hoping to use it with MacRuby and Cocoa in the future.

Anyway, I would hear this chip music from time to time and found that I liked some of it, but was having a hard time finding just the style I liked the most until I found the chipmusic.org podcast. I don't really care for the tunes with lyrics mixed in, and i have no use whatsoever for those with profanity (I am far from puritanical but it just seems to add nothing to the music).

I find that almost everything from the chipmusic.org feed is enjoyable, but I prefer the tunes that do not feel like they were pulled directly from an arcade game. My kids will enjoy them though!

I guess the most confusing thing about the genre is the apparent sub genres. If someone wouldn't mind explaining the differences I would appreciate it. I have seen references to:

chip music
8bit music
(and maybe a couple others I can't remember)

At any rate, I appreciate the music and musicians of chipmusic.org.