i will be turning sex beard into sex bear for this show. i hope y'all like it.

beware, stop being such a young.

i really like the artwork on this! music is pretty damn good too tongue

megabus ticket purchased. cannot wait to throw some jams in yo face, boston


(14 replies, posted in Trading Post)

you can just mail me the cart for christmas

i'll give it a shot


(6 replies, posted in Releases)

hm.. i'll have to take a look at it in the morning. i'm pretty sure it's just the sloppiness of the wav channel when you slow down the bpm on a bunch of high notes with retrigger if i remember correctly. really, every bit of noise on this thing was just random as fuck by playing around with the bpm.

@ plain flavored.. the noise channel, it's the same exact pattern as my track "gizmo" with a few changes/additions.. you can hear it a bit clearer on that though

also, thanks @ dragon!


(6 replies, posted in Releases)

well, thank you kindly


(6 replies, posted in Releases)

http://facundo.bandcamp.com/album/the-n … re-bad-man

LOST concept album.

ps - fuck you

i'll try to scrounge up the money to get out there. sick show!

june 9th is my birthday. this would be an AWESOME birthday party.

red velvet gameboy cake, longest crowd surf ever, my friend got me a dozen pink roses, lots of butt bumpin tunes.. uhm yeah shit was awesome

y'all were ridiculous! thanks so much to everyone! you guys are fucking beasts!

dixls, is it still your birthday? 3 day birthday? im coming to see you today. eat it.

also, josh, i'll be there

oh son of a bitch, i might have to rearrange my schedule for this. if i'm not there to scream "lick my taint" at dauragon, the world ends.


(18 replies, posted in Releases)

...it's just a cigarette isn't it? don't forget, some parts of america are still america, and you CAN do this legally.