I just had a pretty good idea. An inverted sawtooth is just a sine wave with additional sine waves being out of phase by a certain amount (essentially it's supposed to be subtracted). I'm not sure how good an emulator VGM Music Maker is, but it has an option to turn each operator on individually at a certain time, causing the phase shift I want. Trying it out seems to work, I can create a pretty good inverted sawtooth with algorithm 7. With a custom driver, I could make it even better.
2 Dec 2, 2013 12:14 am
Re: Invertable Waves for the YM2612 (8 replies, posted in Sega)
AKAIK you can do an inverse saw (ramp) in some way, by using the SSG envelope (4) Inverted loop, when the envelope goes short you end up with a ramp, assuming AR is 31... the problem is that it will make another tune than your main note and the volume will also be quieter (especially on real hardware)
Yep, I actually tried that exact thing. Inverting a wave seems like something the hardware would have built-in, which is why I asked here first. Either way, it'll be relatively easy to construct some hardware to do that outside the chip. Thanks, though.
3 Dec 1, 2013 9:13 pm
Re: Invertable Waves for the YM2612 (8 replies, posted in Sega)
Sawtooth + same sawtooth inverted and phase shifted = rectangle wave. Detune the inverted wave by a little, and you get a phasing duty cycle.
4 Dec 1, 2013 8:14 pm
Topic: Invertable Waves for the YM2612 (8 replies, posted in Sega)
After messing around a bit, I found using just operator 1 with feedback of 4, I can create a very good sawtooth wave. Is it possible in some way to invert that wave before playback? Right now, the wave starts at max volume, and then goes to zero before rising sharply again. I want it to start at zero, and go to max volume.
5 Jun 5, 2012 12:49 am
Re: VGM Music Maker - a Sega Genesis tracker (174 replies, posted in Sega)
Is it possible to make it so that the next note is not played until the current one's waveform has a zero amplitude then? Wouldn't that stop the popping? Or am I babbling nonsense again?
6 Jun 3, 2012 5:47 pm
Re: FB/VGMMM Compo 2012 (2 replies, posted in Sega)
Just a reminder for those who are submitting VGEs: the PSG volume tends to be much louder when converted over to a VGM, so make sure you add 63 to the total level of the PSG before saving (so a TL on a PSG of 14 would need to be changed to 77 before being converted to a VGM).
7 Jun 3, 2012 2:15 pm
Re: VGM Music Maker - a Sega Genesis tracker (174 replies, posted in Sega)
Hey Shiru, I've noticed that when notes are played one after the other very quickly, loud popping sounds occur. Just open up the default instrument, change operator 2's TL to 127, and run the mouse up and down the keyboard to hear what I'm talking about. I've tried messing with the buffer count, size, and overall volume, but it still happens.
8 May 20, 2012 3:40 pm
Re: VGM rip (YM2151) to OPM? (9 replies, posted in Sega)
Tested it out on a few other VGMs, seems to work great, thanks. It produces a lot of instruments though, most with just very tiny TL changes between them.
9 May 19, 2012 10:51 pm
Re: VGM rip (YM2151) to OPM? (9 replies, posted in Sega)
Alright thanks. Here's a link to an appropriate VGM: http://db.tt/aXnR9YSz
10 May 19, 2012 9:55 pm
Topic: VGM rip (YM2151) to OPM? (9 replies, posted in Sega)
Is there a tool out there that will take a VGM rip that uses the YM2151 and convert it to a OPM file? I'd like to take that and convert it into TFI instruments for use in VGM MM actually (got any ideas Shiru?)
11 Mar 30, 2012 4:14 pm
Re: VGM Music Maker - a Sega Genesis tracker (174 replies, posted in Sega)
I found out how to reproduce the Ctrl-Z bug:
1. Do an "Advanced" transpose on any note
2. Hit Ctrl-Z
A "Floating point division by zero" error message will pop up, and the program will break.
12 Mar 25, 2012 6:06 pm
Re: VGM Music Maker - a Sega Genesis tracker (174 replies, posted in Sega)
No, it's not.
13 Mar 24, 2012 8:05 pm
Re: VGM Music Maker - a Sega Genesis tracker (174 replies, posted in Sega)
I found two bugs in the program I'd like to point out:
1. On occasion, after opening a saved VGE file (or play a row right after opening one), VGM MM will crash (stopped working). Attempting to re-open the same song will continue to crash it every time, and either creating a new module or opening a different module will fix it.
2. I just encountered this yesterday, but at some point I was editing a song and hit CTRL-Z to undo something I was working on. I got a error message saying something along the lines of "Divide by zero exception", and after hitting OK, I got an overflow error message of some sort. Also, all of the rows were filled up with 0xFFFFFFFF values and other such junk. I'll try to see if I can't reproduce it consistently and report steps to reproduce.
EDIT: Figured it out. If you set the step size to something larger than the pattern size, then try to add notes, it just goes crazy.
14 Mar 21, 2012 3:01 am
Re: VGM Music Maker - a Sega Genesis tracker (174 replies, posted in Sega)
that kind of defeats the purpose of having a VGM format tracker. You might as well just use VSTis if that's what you're going for.
I guess? I was under the impression that there wasn't a good VSTi for the 2612, I'm only familiar with the 2151. Whatever, just asking.
15 Mar 21, 2012 2:21 am
Re: VGM Music Maker - a Sega Genesis tracker (174 replies, posted in Sega)
Shiru, you might want to ignore what I said earlier about the note-clipping issues on note delays - I think it's just me failing at setting up instruments right.
Can I request another semi-improbable feature? I know it would be cheating, but is it possible to make it so there is more than 6 FM channels and more than 3/4 PSG channels ( or even multiple sample channels)? That would be insanely awesome.
Thanks again.
16 Feb 27, 2012 5:02 am
Re: VGM Music Maker - a Sega Genesis tracker (174 replies, posted in Sega)
Hey Shiru, I have a few issues I wanted to touch on:
- I wasn't sure if this was the way the hardware acts, but when an instrument that has a delayed attack rate plays notes one after the other, it ignores the attack rate for the next note. I can get around this by putting a note cut right before the next note starts, but I just wanted to point it out.
- Note delay is kinda weird. It feels like there's a hard note cut as soon as the note "starts" but before the note actually plays. Stuff like triplets and all that sound really choppy.
Thanks for your work, I really appreciate it!