Awesome, thanks! I'll try it out here as soon as I'm able.
18 Nov 7, 2011 12:39 am
Re: VGM Music Maker - a Sega Genesis tracker (174 replies, posted in Sega)
Is there some way to change the update rate to something else, as in 60hz instead of 50hz? That's probably why I can't find the right tempo.
19 Nov 5, 2011 9:45 pm
Re: VGM Music Maker - a Sega Genesis tracker (174 replies, posted in Sega)
Can someone give me some insight on this? I'm trying to create a song with a steady tempo of 132 (or something close), and setting the speed values to 10 / 4 will give me that tempo, however it will play the first row "slow" and the second row "fast". I know why it does that, I just want to know how to keep the same tempo, but not have the "swing" feel to the song. Doing a bunch of complicated note delays doesn't seem like the right idea.