Anything below 10 inch is really a hell to watch
1 May 2, 2012 10:37 am
Re: Tiny LCD monitor for C64 (27 replies, posted in Commodore Computers)
2 Apr 13, 2012 10:45 am
Re: Cheesecutter - cross-platform port of JCHEditor (14 replies, posted in Commodore Computers)
Yeah and that's a good thing because Abad now can (already did) add nice features to it
3 Jan 5, 2012 5:01 pm
Re: Getting started with C64 tracking? (13 replies, posted in Commodore Computers)
Tracking on C64 is easy, SID is a bit more difficult.
GoatTracker is really good for the starter. Also some SID guide will be helpful.
4 Dec 22, 2011 4:08 pm
Re: Trackers for C64 (to run on the console) (29 replies, posted in Commodore Computers)
I didn't use Ninjatracker but I'd imagine the low rastertime usage makes it to lacks functions ect. It's already apparent in Goat Tracker.
On C64 one would do better with SDI (Tjelta/Galefoss), JCH (Huss and updates by ppl like Glover or Dane ), SID Factory (Laxity) or X-SID (Jeff).
Use 1541ultimate or smth similar for load/save-stress-free experience
Also, as 4mat pointed out corecctly, use emulator (try Vice, very good, or Hoxs for 8580) before actually falling into purchasing of real hardware. Also, one do not have to do that - emulator still will do good with HardSID etc. though it sill be siginficantly cheaper to buy C64+1541-II+floppies+Action Replay
5 Dec 22, 2011 11:39 am
Re: Trackers for C64 (to run on the console) (29 replies, posted in Commodore Computers)
BTW, where is that crossplatform Goat Tracker for C64 natively? On SourceForge is OSX and Windows version which seems good (i got some latency, dont know why and i have installed ASIO).
There is no Goat Tracker for C64.
Closest it can get to C64 is when you use HardSID/Catweasel cards with SID or use hacked hardsid.dll with PC64 cable to stream to C64. (you'd still need to run server on c64 from tape/drive/MMC/SD)
silent requiem (whatever the fuck happened to him???) told me that he made his c64 album using either JCH or SDI on tape, so it might be possible?
God, that must've been painful
7 Nov 30, 2011 3:21 pm
Re: NEED CHIP COVERS PLZ! (29 replies, posted in Collaborations)
I'm interested to hear chip versions of rap songs. Anyone can point me, please?
8 Nov 25, 2011 5:22 pm
Re: D.I.Y SidBlaster USB (29 replies, posted in Commodore Computers)
Probably besides the author no one has this board running
9 Nov 25, 2011 3:13 pm
Re: Cheesecutter - cross-platform port of JCHEditor (14 replies, posted in Commodore Computers)
Ah right, Abad's depacker
10 Nov 24, 2011 9:59 am
Re: Cheesecutter - cross-platform port of JCHEditor (14 replies, posted in Commodore Computers)
iLKke, I didn't use windows depacker for JCH (didn't even know it exists, he he).
As for undo I'm not sure. Prooly not. :-) But you can always mail Abaddon with your suggestions.
11 Nov 23, 2011 5:27 pm
Re: Cheesecutter - cross-platform port of JCHEditor (14 replies, posted in Commodore Computers)
At least now I can *try* to see how Drax made those bass sounds.
The depacker is available for some fat years by now Like, was there in 90's
You still need depacked tune for CC anyway :-)
even if the proggie is "public" now.. its usage remains a mystery for many
You just need some doc
Also, wait out for newer CC. The player will be even better.