I'm looking to do more projects right now, check out my stuff at www.nickelPUNK.com
2 Nov 28, 2011 8:02 pm
Topic: nickelPUNK CD Release Party [USA] - Dec 9th, 7:30 PM 18+ (1 replies, posted in Past Events)
I WRITE SAD MUSIC TO GET LAID - nickelPUNK's new album - is being released December 10th, but you can get a copy early and get your jump and game on by coming to the CD Release Party!!!!!!!!
The line up is beyond sick. It may even be ill. WE SHOULD PROBABLY GET IT TO A HOSPITAL!
nickelPUNK - http://www.nickelPUNK.com/
Often referred to as "one of the four fat people in chiptunes", nickelPUNK expands minds and musical boundaries using Gameboys, NES's, Commodore64s, and any thing else that shouldn't be an instrument. It's loud, it's wierd sounding, and it's compositionally diverse enough to make your feet move and your heart break.
Da Pantz - http://www.dapantz.com/
Uptown New York’s sarcastically named DaPantz is an electronic musician based in the Bronx. Exploring large-scale issues through low-grade gear, he creates an array of heavy beats and industrial melodies rooted in distortion, design, and discourse. Adopting a critical view of mental disorder, DaPantz creates challenging, but ultimately thrilling pieces of autobiography that push outdated hardware to its contemporary limit.
Glenntai - https://8bc.org/members/Glenntai/
We are truly privileged to welcome the 8-bit emmisary of NerdFit. Tales are told of his exploits in lands near and far. His tools: Nintendo and alcahol. His method: blowing your GOD DAMN MIND!
Cubone - http://www.djcubone.com/
Excerpt from PokeDex: "Made of lasers and awesome, his heart was designed by a joint project between MIT and God. His skills bring new levels of consciousness to all who hear him. Men weep, women become pregnant and atheists find religion. Oh, also you won't be able to stop dancing. Actually, that part is more likely than the pregnant-crying-praying thing. Advantage over water type pokemon. Weak to YOUR HEART!"
Cubone will not only be doing some seriously sick spinning, but will be pulling overtime by running visuals as well. How cool of a guy is that?
There will be gaming.
There will be jumping.
There will be fooding.
Doors open at 7:30pm
Show opens at 8pm
Price is $8
Be there and be SQUARE...waves