So glad to finally have this shit on my ipooood.
Been loving that intro for years. is an online community in respect and relation to chip music, art and its parallels.
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So glad to finally have this shit on my ipooood.
Been loving that intro for years.
I'm so excited uguise.
Loved this to death.
Thanks guys.
I actually have seen a shit ton of fliers for this on the train! lol.
minusbaby wrote:DAY ONE
The Drunkest Night wherein all acts must perform while almost blacking out; like Blasterhead in 2007.Videovalvontaa would win in this
Oh I've got this shit DOWN.
I am fucking CRYING.
I drank a 4 loko.
I did too.
Yes, this is walking distance from Barcade.
Good bye, money. It was nice having you.
Yeah I think it's hilarious that I know almost every Cheap Dinos song by heart and yet I own almost none of them.
That shit was pretty real.
Yeah there are other sites that do the exact same thing. Doesn't matter what you did or didn't put on the internet. That info is out there in some way shape or form, and there are TONS of websites that are exactly like this one (subscription fee based background check/location services) that take advantage. It's not new at all and the only reason I can come up with that this site is suddenly a huge problem is that pitchforking it way easier in web 2.0 land. Like seriously, this shit is old ass news. Super creepy, super weird, but old ass news.
Yeah this stuff is nothing new. The only difference between this site and the hundreds of others that have existed for years is facebook and twitter exist now so it can ride the internet fear machine straight into hyperboleville.
But yeah, take yourself off this one, you'll still be on all the other ones.
Also it says I am in my mid 40's and I have two moms. / Forums / Posts by Dauragon