(12 replies, posted in General Discussion)

No need for apologies! Once I get my own life in order I would love to help put events together. Only been here two months so it's nice to know there is a SoCal scene. I hope OP hasn't given up on a playing a show!


(12 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Nyc transplant here missing a regular scene. San Diego doesn't seem to be very active and don't have a regular car to make trips up to LA hmm

538 E 14th? n00b flyer

This looks awesome especially since the melee scene is what turned me onto chiptunes in the first place cuatro years ago.


Kedromelon wrote:

I'll pay twice as much next time if the money goes toward an AC for that place.


agreed x 2

Woot! I got some amigos to come with me. Just curious if alcohol will be readily available?

edit: nvm found facebook event has answer

Just got my 3 day! Can't wait! Also throwing out there I may be able to provide housing pending if I get a room mate or not by then

This might help me get through the week

IseeRGB wrote:

New here and first time to this new venue. Just like to say very excited!

Ah, saw you on my 3DS this morning. I'm Don, the dude wearing the hamburger hat that showed up at your gate.

lol very nice I don't have any fun hats yet

P.S. The space was very cool (far from trains but w/e), visuals looked good, but I felt the sound left something to be desired...anyone else?

New here and first time to this new venue. Just like to say very excited!