(17 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Regularly scheduled shows should commence next week!  I hope you'll tune in with us!
If you're interested in being a dj on the station just drop me a line and I'll see what i can do about getting you a show!


(17 replies, posted in General Discussion)

10spd yeah please send em to me!
and yes!  everyone!  submissions are still wiiiide open!


(17 replies, posted in General Discussion)

So I got around to updating the OP. . . .
Just wanted to let everyone know that ChipTunes Radio!  is now a dedicated 24/7 stream of chiptunes!

don't tell me you forgot!

>_< my bad, there was already a thread for this!

Pulsewave NYC | 01.28.2012
Kicking off the new year!

$7 w RSVP; $10 at door
RSVP: http://brk.to/1j30

Doors 7pm, show 730pm
All Ages
285 Kent, Brooklyn 11211

Nullsleep (NY)
Da Pantz (BX)
Disassembler (NJ)

Cosmic Morning (BK)
^ copied directly from pulsewave's site.


(17 replies, posted in General Discussion)

OP updated (again).
Make sure to tune in on tuesday for the pulsewave show!


(17 replies, posted in General Discussion)

okay i updated the op, take a look there for all archived shows tongue


(17 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Thanks for all the replies so far!  I have you all added to my lineup.  Some of the tunes Will be on tonight's show.
www.newedenradio.com @ midnight (Est) tonight.
If your stuff doesn't make it on the air this week, it may in a few weeks.
Next week I'm going to air the plusewave show - i hope everyone tunes in for the shows!


(68 replies, posted in General Discussion)

nice thanks for this info!


(17 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Welcome to ChipTunes Radio!  All chiptunes - All the time! (except when it's not...)
check out the site at www.chiptunesradio.com

The site is kind of under construction at the moment - and it will be for the forseeable future . . .
Please tune in and turn it up often!

We want YOU to be on the air!  Post your music here on chipmusic.org or email us at submissions@chiptunesradio.com and you'll likely be on the air!