(84 replies, posted in General Discussion)

okay i lie, i took longer than 30 minutes, but thats beside the point


(84 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Okay ive been messing around with famitracker for around half an hour now and I think i understand the basics and I tried out the first few effects (up to the volume slide)
What i can't get my head around is the arpeggio effect
If I set the parameter to 2 and 4, does this mean that the second note is 2 semitones higher and the third note is 4 semitones higher? I can't really tell because im a bit tone deaf and its too fast...


(84 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Thanks dudes, all this info is really helpful (when i understand what youre talking about)

Ill try famitracker and try to get my head around it

With trackers, I've heard that composing music on them isn't like writing sheet music etc. but it uses hexidecimal characters. I (sort of) know what that is, but whats the relationship between notes and hexidecimal characters?
Actually that's probably something I should mess around with myself...

I don't intend to piss people off by asking for help, I understand that chiptune emerged from a very DIY scene but for new comers to the scene (like me) its a bit confusing if you've never really been exposed to the 'chiptune making scene'


(84 replies, posted in General Discussion)


for common terms like daw and tracker, google is your friend

as for "how to make chiptune", there are many many many ways, all of them with specific advantages and disadvantages depending on what exactly you want to do. with most of these options there are pretty steep learning curves attached,  and hardware investments to be made, so do some research, listen to artists associated with the different systems/methods, and play with a bunch of techniques before you go all band style

okay, so what should I start with? I mean, Ive still got a snes somewhere but I don't want to dive into some complicated program that requires me to disassemble the snes and take the sound chip or something then realise that i have no idea what im doing


(84 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Ive seen famitracker before, but what is it actually for?


(84 replies, posted in General Discussion)

ive been listening to a lot of chiptune lately and me and my three other friends want to start a chiptune band with a style like anamanaguchi's [I play the guitar, we also have a bassist, a piano player and a drummer]. Were all musical and weve made music of other genres but chiptune is a new one to us.

I want to be start making chiptune songs with synths but when I look on tutorials etc I get words thrown at me that I don't understand like DAW and trackers. Can I someone explain to me what I need to understand and what I can use to make chiptunes?

Thanks dudes