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Yes that's correct - it doesn't necessarily reflect what is currently in rotation though.
Also, a clarification - we're not licensed with the PRS in the UK.
I agree it sounds a bit strange but it's not through a lack of wanting!
akira^8GB wrote:MikeDI wrote:I've passed this on to our content director that handles the Chiptune stream to make sure that any works marked as such are not considered for airtime.
No more chiptune station.. 
Is there anywhere we could see a playlist of what plays?
I'd hope the vast majority of the content is not covered by NC-CC licenses. What I'm not sure about is what our own licenses cover in terms of playlist disclosure, I know we're restricted on disclosing what is specifically going to be played in the near future but I shall get back with a playlist if I can.
boomlinde wrote:As a commercial streaming radio service, I assume that you are not covered by OCILLA, in which case you are already seriously breaking the law if you are broadcasting any CC BY-NC-ND licensed works without explicit permission.
I've passed this on to our content director that handles the Chiptune stream to make sure that any works marked as such are not considered for airtime.
nitro2k01 wrote:Hello Mike. Someone mentioned giving away complimentary Premium subscriptions to artists who have their music in the database and request it. Is this something you would consider?
I don't think we're able to honour this unfortunately. 
goto80 wrote:Mike, thanks for stopping by here.
Does DI play music that has a non-commercial Creative Commons license?
How is that possible?
It's a tough situation and a very fine line, as Glenntai described. One can argue that we're only able to charge based on what we play, but we're also not reselling or redistributing the content in a physical (albiet online) sense since we're simply selling access to higher bitrate streams without commercials on the other hand. I can also clarify that we do not have any channels that are only accessible through a premium subscription.
It is also actually against our Terms of Service to record/rip our stations as we're not licensed to provide downloadable content through any means.
We're also more than happy to remove any content that artists do not wish to be in rotation, although most of the time when someone learns of being broadcasted on DI they tend to send us some more content 
An interesting discussion guys, I'm glad you're investigating this issue correctly. We are indeed registered with ASCAP, SoundExchange and PRS in the UK.
boomlinde wrote:or if the proprietor gave them the right to do so without paying royalties.!
This happens a lot of the time with us in the form of artists sending us music directly rather than DI sourcing music from sites like this or Beatport/Amazon etc - we still obviously have to report everything that we broadcast but as akira^8GB stated we're not in the business of tracking down artists and handing them a check.
I'd be happy to field any questions about Digitally Imported at mike[at]
Posts found: 7 / Forums / Posts by MikeDI