Dude, I fucking love this city. People would probably describe me as being too proud, but I just cant help it. If you get on top of any building in Seattle and look out, you might almost think that everyone is living in tree houses. Seriously there is so much green mixed in with the city, I've never been anywhere like it, but I guess that's really not saying much seeing as how I've only traveled up and down the west coast, inland a little and to NY for blip.
<< Born and raised Seattleite.


(31 replies, posted in Other Hardware)

I also just happened to stumble upon this, which seems pretty cool.

http://store.apple.com/us/product/H9328 … 39&p=3


(31 replies, posted in Other Hardware)

Yeah, I haven't used a ton of different programs to control midiNES, but Ableton is pretty awesome for setting up insane stuff with midi.

my current setup includes running midi out from ableton to two NES' and sending audio back into ableton using a FireWire audio interface. This might be off topic a little, but having it set up this way lets you layer any synth / drum sample / Capella even compress or add effects onto your midiNES and play them back in real time. the only thing you need to remember if you try and do it this way is to pay attention to lag from your interface and adjust your midi signals to send a couple milliseconds early so it syncs up with anything else you have going on in Ableton. all though this set up isn't exactly portable, it is awesome to play with.

So many possibilities!

our NES broke sad died in the aftermath of a modding accident. we're gonna have to withdraw.

on a related note, does anyone have an extra NES :\ i have cash and i could probably even pick it up from you. really need one ASAP.


(190 replies, posted in Collaborations)


Competitive chiptune!? Its all i do anymore xD. Count me in.

"Ultimate showdown" would be a good idea for a theme, like the music that would play if someone challenged you to a Pokemon battle, and you were the champion of the Pokemon league.

or the porn groove idea. porn groove is awesome.


(190 replies, posted in Collaborations)

finally got time to do a song today, just finished and we started at like 5pm >_<

http://chipmusic.org/live+animals/music … hip-battle


(190 replies, posted in Collaborations)

Cool, Live Animals is in


(190 replies, posted in Collaborations)

What are the rules? I might want in >:D