(1,052 replies, posted in Graphics, Artwork & Design)

random stuff again...


(1,052 replies, posted in Graphics, Artwork & Design)


Hey, Replied to all your emails smile
and here some of my other work

I guess I can post updates from my video gameproject too:

snesei wrote:

Wow you are really good, I'm sure you won't have any problem getting some commissions here

Thank you, but getting to know some chiptune musicians is more important than money for me.

ui wrote:

Nice stuff!, you can always post your pixels here too:

Alright, I will keep that in mind
If I'm not wrong you also have a pixel joint profile...

squidula wrote:

I actually would love to get a portrait of me and my gf done for her grad present

Portraits are tricky. Pm me the size and details you have in mind, and I will tell you if its "do-able"

Monotron wrote:

How much are you charging?

Depends on the size of your image. And level of detail. also if you have some tedious limitation like only c64 colors + wide/ long pixels it will cost more...
But I would say a 320*320 image with some text/logo and a flashy pixel figure will cost like 40-50$ (dirt cheap)

EDIT: what I consider as CRAZY limitations:
ZX spectrum, I will avoid this at all cost
Tall/wide pixels, tried to do them once, ended up with big square pixels
Strict palette limitations, (this doesnt apply to gameboy palette)
Grid based color limitations, just no

that about sums it up

I my name is Alex, and I'm a pixel artist.
I usually, work on video games, tilesets specifically.
But I want to get into the whole "pixel album art" scene, and meet some musicians.

› My pixelart/tilesets mostly

some pixel games I was working on.