MODULAR SYNTHESIS FTW!!!!! pimp shit low-gain. p.s. chilling with l-tron in cali. When you coming out?
i guess when ever a round trip ticket is paid for.. lol
the modular stuff has tapped me out. is an online community in respect and relation to chip music, art and its parallels.
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MODULAR SYNTHESIS FTW!!!!! pimp shit low-gain. p.s. chilling with l-tron in cali. When you coming out?
i guess when ever a round trip ticket is paid for.. lol
the modular stuff has tapped me out.
Please add a MASSIVE anvil-sized 4/4 kick drum throughout the entire thing and play shows with said material.
That's what the xbase09 is for
Congrats Snugg!!! U da man!
If I come visit can I play with it?
I should be available at least some days this week.
u ask'n to twiddle my knobs? har har
sure thing. this week would be perfect. i got a box of goodies for you.
I can still kick it 8-bit even w/o a gameboy! muahaha
nice production guys! the world needs more of this.
Ralp! i still want you to do a t-shirt design for me. email me!!! I misses you!
If you can find my "Joy to the World" track i did for "Christmasasaurus Vol. 2" you're welcome to use it. it's pretty bad and old, but what ever. probably under "lameboy" Just change the ID3 tags to "Low-Gain" instead of "LameBoy"
low-gain wrote:Please look at the post BEFORE mine and you'll note i did no such thing. i didn't bring this thread back up into the recent threads. in fact i didn't even know it was from 11 months ago.
Every post has the date printed in the right corner. Peter's post clearly says "7 January 12, 2010 10:57 pm". But regardless of that, would you two just stop? The both of you...
I was referring to the post that brought this entire thread back into the recent threads.
I never saw this thread the firs ttime around and i never looked at the date stamps..
how the fuck did i do something wrong here..
I'm sick of this shit..
But good job dredging up an 11 months old post to cluck your punk as fuck at me!
a little sensitive today?Christ.
Please look at the post BEFORE mine and you'll note i did no such thing. i didn't bring this thread back up into the recent threads. in fact i didn't even know it was from 11 months ago.
Simply giving my opinion on the matter which i'm entirely entitled to .
So chill the fuck out Peter and get over yourself.
This isn't about ego stroking.
I saw the new kennedys with eddie from courtship on eddies father give a rant between songs about how we have to support our troops in 2002 or so. It was awesome.
I'm not sure how you could ever support the new dead kennedy's.. jello biafra got screwed out of that band.. and his vocal talent made that band what it was. Just say'n.
i wasn't recommending sync24 because it's retro... it's reliable and very much still used by a lot of electronic musicians.
It's a starting point to do a proof of concept w/ analog clock since one can easily make a 555 clock to proof it if responds as it should.
From there the timing can easily be switched over to midi clock if so desired. but i think having both analog clock and midi clock will be a must
in the end.
@low-gain: It would be cool if you could send me one and I can do some further testing. PM me if you want paying for it etc.
do you have any gear that runs sync24?
likewise... we'd have to figure out a port spec... i.e. which pins on the controller connector would be the clock line, start/stop line.
If you stick to the "Sixteenth-Note Sync Pulse" idea, couldn't someone still make a cheap Sync24->NES converter cable by dividing down the clock and passing through the 'start' signal?
Following that train of thought, it would be pretty sweet to have a converter that could take as input any of these:
-DIN Sync 24
-MIDI Clock
-Audio clicks at either 24ppq or 4ppqJust brainstorming. Full 24ppq sync would also be great if it turns out to be doable.
Yes, you could easily make a sync24 to NES controller cable and it would work like a champ.
if you got the software working correctly i can put one together and make a tutorial for it quite easily.
i'd say if you go via the sync 24 spec's we'd be pretty much set to run any kind of sync operation needed.
must have hardcopy. PM'd
Simple 1 color screen.
This will be a paying gig, and that means you must be able to deliver on a deadline.
If you think you can help please PM me.
or drop an email to: logan [at] lowgain-audio [dot] com / Forums / Posts by low-gain