All the best to you also Yerz, I can show you some stuff in November if you come to SV.

if you put a disc in there it will boot *much* faster. but even if you don't just leave it for some minutes and the desktop should eventually appear.

The offical maxYMiser web page has alot of resources: example instrument packs and two tutorials.

If you just google 'maxYMiser tutorial' you will find them... I don't think its ridiculously hard? But then again a few people have this problem it seems

"Everything in one screen is probably too much (and looks cramped), with 2 differents screens it would have been better." <- yes and no. you can modify the instruments and everything in real time while the track is playing, which I find very useful. I designed everything so it went on one screen on purpose. some people find it cramped, but I prefer it.

Disc problems - people have reported disc problems. Quite often they come from using a 2Mb version of maxYMiser on 1MB machine for example. might be worth double checking

"I encountered maxymizer, so I know the feeling." <- do we have a problem Yerz? No one forces you to use it, sorry if you think my work is crap. At SillyVenture I always got a weird feeling from you. I don't believe I did something to piss you off, but please tell me if so.

1) there isn't duty cycle as such on the YM chip. you modulate a squarewave from software with the YM squarewave to get PWM like effects, but they aren't so controllable. If you want to do a pulse waveform this is possible, but fixed duty cycles are really best for that, you can program a sweep for it, but its alot of work and doesn't sound great. I think I answered your other questions here on facebook(?)

the YM has an envelope generator which is not that useful as it has only basic waves based on triangle and sawtooth waves. but you can play them at audio frequencies and get the waves in addition to the normal squarewave. they make a buzzing sound, so we call them buzzer. with sync buzzer you are retriggering the waves, in a similar way to the sync function on some analogue synths. if you play around with it you can get some filterish sounds.

2) yeah, you specify the number of ticks per 1/16 not step. and then the length of the tick (replay rate from 50-200Hz). but adjusting them both you can get the tempo you want.

3) Yes, the square channel works well with kickdrums. And you can mix some noise in too if you like. Thats the way to do it, unless you want to use samples for the drum sounds. The fixed frequency table in the online help is calculated from YM datasheet. If you are really interested in how the values are calculated I am happy to go into it, but you may just like to accept them wink

4) there is a pattern break effect, check the online help for that

Yes, early STes did have SIPPs as has already been confirmed.

The thing is though that SIPPs are alot easier to solder and replace than the actual RAM chips of earlier ST models. If you can find some larger SIPPs its definitely doable to upgrade


(31 replies, posted in Atari)

maxYMiser does allow you to sequence some MIDI on the STe channels. However, it couldn't by any means be called anything like a fully featured MIDI sequencer. It is nice though, if you want to throw in a few simple melodies and effects on top of your chiptune

Its best if your STe will have TV RF output. Only STs with TV output have composite video output. STe is definitely the way to go unless someone is giving you something for free, in which case anything is good smile


(4 replies, posted in Atari)

Winjam is very good, and you can also mute the channels in STj if you want to work on the Atari. But yes, WinJAM is certainly the easiest.


(7 replies, posted in Atari)

nice board!

stress_tn wrote:

Is it real to install TOS 2.06 UK on 1040 STF model? And how?

it is possible, but its much more difficult than an STe, since as I recall the TOS ROM sockets are smaller and you need a 6 chip kit. anyway, i'm not sure why you would need more memory or TOS 2.06 if you are just going to do chip music on it.

"For  med/color res on a VGA Monitor, you will need a scan converter and the hitch is the ST's scan rate is odd ball. "
^^ this is not actually the reason why. any 15khz interlaced scan video will need a converter for VGA, including Amiga, C64 etc etc


(8 replies, posted in Atari)

thanks for the positive comments. its out:


(8 replies, posted in Atari)

video clip for your perusal:

By myself, Appljuic and Counter Reset. Backing was produced on Atari ST with maxYMiser.


(10 replies, posted in Atari)

I used to use a USB floppy drive on my laptop to transfer data between Atari and OSX all the time using 720k disks. Its not ideal, but it works perfectly well and its a cheap option.

I see no reason to ever stop doing chiptune

See some of you peeps tonight!

I'm going to play a bunch of old skool gwEm stuff I don't do too much anymore. Counter Reset on the sticks.

matt.nida wrote:

Bumping, on the grounds that this will be awesome.

I agree.

Analog Attack is /the/ regular chipmusic night in London right now.