Hi mates, here is the newest duality micro release. The second one with my new xoxbox.
In use on this release are
Korg Monotribe
Korg Volca Keys
Korg Volca Bass
Korg Kaos Pad Mini
Rebirth 338 IOS App
For some drums and as recorder
Ableton Live

Please enjoy!

https://evadeanddualitymicro.bandcamp.c … -micro-xo2

Regards fReD from


Check also my weekly radio cast every friday to saturday on 0:03 o clock



Charanjit Singh, Eno & Hyde, Thievery Corporation, Little Dragon, Wye Oak, Teebs, Swans and many more

Hi mates, here is a new release of a live jam between duality micro & sascha müller - IN THE DARK.
Get your copy of this great dark live jam on:


Here are the videos:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=89lMugXh … UQm8WPbXOw

Best regards fReD from


PS: Check also my weekly radio cast vdren every friday to saturday at 0:03 o clock.
       Tonight with Pixies, Fuck Art Lets Dance, Tood Terje, Tiny Ruins, Orcas, Cluster, Little Dragon, HTRK ...


(0 replies, posted in Past Events)

Hi mates, here is a short list about the artists that will be played tonight in vdren:

Fuck Art Lets Dance
Eno & Hyde                The Producer Legend Brian Eno together with Carl Hyde, Singer of Underwolrd
Orcas                          From their actual album
Tommy Guerrero
Squarepusher & Z Machines
Todd Terje
Light Year
and more ...

Regards Manfred

http://www.emsvechtewelle.de/der-sender … n/238.html


(0 replies, posted in Releases)

Hi mates, here is the newest duality micro release. The first one with my new xoxbox.
In use on this release are
Korg Monotribe
Korg Volca Keys
Korg Volca Bass
Korg Kaos Pad Mini
Rebirth 338 IOS App
XOXBOX (track 8,9,10,11,12)
For some drums and as recorder
Ableton Live

Please enjoy!

https://evadeanddualitymicro.bandcamp.c … -micro-xo1

Regards fReD from


Check also my weekly radio cast every friday to saturday on 0:03 o clock

http://www.emsvechtewelle.de/der-sender … n/238.html


(0 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Hi mates, i am gonna sell my notebook. Its in good condition. It needs a new battery, the old one only runs one hour. There is no system installed. The install partition is def. But when you install win xp from cd, all fine.
I put a bit more RAM in it. Before there was only 700 MB insinde. If you have any questions so let me know.
Before i sell it, i used this notebook with an external soundcard as my REBIRTH 338 Machine. Was great.

http://www.ebay.de/itm/141255214619?ssP … 1558.l2649

Best regards from



(0 replies, posted in Releases)

Hi mates, today i can present you my fourth ep with my monotribe and the vbass and vkeys,
gameboy light, Rebirth 338 on pc and as ios app
The korg volca beat comes in a month.
As Sequencer and recorder works Ableton.

Please enjoy it.

https://evadeanddualitymicro.bandcamp.c … micro-nep4

Regards fReD from


PS: Check also my weekly radio cast vdren every friday to saturday at o:o3

http://www.emsvechtewelle.de/der-sender … n/238.html


(1 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Hi mates, if somebody whants to buy it, write me. My offer was deleted but we can make a direct deal.
Write me yur offers.

Regards Manfred


(1 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Hi i wanna sell my R4 3DS  Gold Card. In the package is the card and the usb stick, NO micoSDHC card.
LINK is deleted. Check the next mail

Regards duality micro smile


(0 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Hi mates, i sell my second Miditribe I/O. I isolate the cables with sugru.

http://www.ebay.de/itm/Miditribe-I-O-Bo … 20e2a21166

Good luck

Regards fReD from



(2 replies, posted in Releases)

Hej oh thank you for your nice mail. I used some nice software enviroments the last years with a good controller. But since a year i realy must say I LUV little machines to make music. Cant wait for the vbeats but at first there is another machine on my schedule... and soon i built in my lovely gameboy light with nanoloop in this minimal setup. There will come much more from me wink
Best regards fReD


(2 replies, posted in Releases)

Hi mates, today i can present my third ep with my monotribe and the vbass and vkeys.
The korg volca beat comes in a month.
As Sequencer and recorder works Ableton.

Please enjoy it.

https://evadeanddualitymicro.bandcamp.c … micro-nep3

Regards fReD from


PS: Check also my weekly radio cast vdren every friday to saturday at o:o3

http://www.emsvechtewelle.de/der-sender … n/238.html

Hi mates, today i can present my second ep with my monotribe and the vbass and vkeys.
The korg volca beat comes in a month.
As Sequencer and recorder works Ableton.

Please enjoy it.

https://evadeanddualitymicro.bandcamp.c … micro-nep2

Regards fReD from


PS: Please check tonight my weekly radio cast "vdren" every friday to saturday at 0:03 o clock
      Heres the playlist of tonight:

vdren cast 80 22.03.2014

Various Warp Artists - Secction 003
new ORDER - Fine Time
St. Vincent - Birth in Reverse
Tycho - Montana
Real Estate - Hard To Hear
Dasid - iLA
Fizzarum - Kinetic
Lush - Starlust
Fenster - 1982
Lowlakes - Belle
Karin Park - Shine
Mike Simonetti - O Superman

http://www.emsvechtewelle.de/der-sender … n/238.html


(0 replies, posted in Past Events)

Hi mates, tonight starts my radio cast vdren like every friday to saturday at 0:03 o clock.
I am proud to presend a bit chipmusic there. Tonight with DASID. Here is the playlist:

Hi, tonight from friday to saturday runs my cast vdren at 0:03 o clock. Here ist the playlist:

vdren cast 80 22.03.2014

Various Warp Artists - Secction 003
new ORDER - Fine Time
St. Vincent - Birth in Reverse
Tycho - Montana
Real Estate - Hard To Hear
Dasid - iLA
Fizzarum - Kinetic
Lush - Starlust
Fenster - 1982
Lowlakes - Belle
Karin Park - Shine
Mike Simonetti - O Superman

Please enjoy Regards Manfred from duality micro

http://www.emsvechtewelle.de/der-sender … n/238.html



(2 replies, posted in Releases)

Good morning. Oh thank you very much. That makes me really happy wink


(2 replies, posted in Releases)

Hi mates, after a little break and a long time of waiting for my volca devices, i can present my first ep with my monotribe and the vbass and vkeys together.
The korg volca beat comes in a month.
As Sequencer and recorder works Ableton.

Please enjoy it.

https://evadeanddualitymicro.bandcamp.c … micro-new1

Regards fReD from



(0 replies, posted in Releases)

Hi mates, this is the fifth duality micro - moodats release.
In use are:

Korg Monotribe
Gameboy Light with mGB
Korg Mini KP
Animoog on ipad
and ableton for some drums and as recorder

https://evadeanddualitymicro.bandcamp.c … -moodats-5

Please enjoy
fReD from


Check also my radio cast every friday night from o:o3 to 1:00 o clock

http://www.emsvechtewelle.de/der-sender … n/238.html