Hej, why not? Its electronic stuff ... ?
466 Jan 24, 2014 8:43 am
Topic: eVADE's first release 2014 (2 replies, posted in Releases)
Hi mates, this is the first eVADE release 2014.
eVADE - Ac40R (acid and more ...)
Please enjoy!
https://evadeanddualitymicro.bandcamp.c d-and-more
Greetings fReD from
PS: Check my weekly radio cast every friday to saturday at 0:03 o clock
467 Jan 20, 2014 1:34 pm
Topic: duality micro - a meadow/ modulator live session (0 replies, posted in Releases)
Hi mates, here is a little live jam of the duality micro track "a meadow" and "modulator".
In use are ableton live intro as sequencer
a gameboy light as 3 channel synth and a behringer mini fex as effect
the korg monotribe with a korg mini kp as effect
and livkontrol on ipad for remote control of ableton
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sVQW9LZp 5v8_1NNCfQ
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z2Z3RdBY e=youtu.be
Please enoy
Greetings from fReD
468 Jan 10, 2014 9:29 am
Topic: duality micro - moodats 4 (0 replies, posted in Releases)
Hi mates, this is the fourth duality micro moodats ep.
This time in use, a gameboy light as 4 ch midi synth, 2 korg monotribes and an ipad with the arturia isem and animoog app.
Please enjoy
https://evadeanddualitymicro.bandcamp.c -moodats-4
Regards fReD from
Check also my weekly radio cast every friday to saturday night at 0:03 o clock
http://www.emsvechtewelle.de/der-sender n/238.html
Tonight: Atom TM, Mike and Rich, Peder Mannerfelt, Danton Eeprom, Dreamcoat, Daughter, Gesaffelstein, Ultraista, Orbital and many more ...
469 Dec 30, 2013 4:58 pm
Topic: duality micro, thor and sascha müller - xms sessions 2013 LIVE (0 replies, posted in Releases)
Hi mates, this is our little christmas gift for you before 2013 is over. A double package of live sessions recorded from 20.to 23.december 2013.
In use were the korg monotribe, korg volca keys, gameboy light as a 4 channel synth, mini kp, 2 ipads with some apps, Pi 2 and ableton as the recorder.
Please enjoy the xmas sessions 2013
https://evadeanddualitymicro.bandcamp.c xms-part-1
https://evadeanddualitymicro.bandcamp.c xms-part-2
Greetings fReD, thor and sascha müller
470 Dec 20, 2013 8:49 am
Topic: duality micro - moodats 3 (0 replies, posted in Releases)
This ist the third release in the duality micro - moodats release series.
The tracks are create with the korg monotribe, ableton live and some ios apps.
Please enjoy it
https://evadeanddualitymicro.bandcamp.c -moodats-3
Check also my weekly radio cast every friday to saturday night at 0:03 o clock
http://www.emsvechtewelle.de/der-sender n/238.html
Tonight: newORDER, Recondite, La Femme, HTRK, Physical Therapy, Audion, Richard Kirk and many more ...
471 Dec 15, 2013 6:31 pm
Topic: LSDJ MC2 the second (0 replies, posted in Trading Post)
Hi mates, get this nice device to sync your gear via midi
http://www.ebay.de/itm/141142135374?ssP 1558.l2649
Greetings fReD from
472 Dec 14, 2013 8:06 am
Re: duality micro - moodats 2 (2 replies, posted in Releases)
Thank you very much there will be come more of this, i promise
473 Dec 13, 2013 9:25 am
Topic: duality micro - moodats 2 (2 replies, posted in Releases)
Hi mates, this is the second duality micro - moodats release.
It was made with the Korg Monotribe and some IOS Apps.
Please enjoy it!
https://evadeanddualitymicro.bandcamp.c -moodats-2
Greetings fReD from
PS: Check also my weekly radio cast on every friday to saturday night at 0:03 o clock
http://www.emsvechtewelle.de/der-sender n/238.html
Tonight: Hot Chip, Metronomy, Out Cold, Recondite, Ulrich Schnauss, patten, I break horses and many more
474 Dec 10, 2013 6:22 pm
Topic: LSDJ MC2 (0 replies, posted in Trading Post)
Hi mates, i sell my LSDJ MC2 on ebay. Come and get it!
If you are coming outside germany, please contact me before bidding,
to check the shipping cost to your country.
http://www.ebay.de/itm/141138112387?ssP 1558.l2649
Greetings fReD from
475 Dec 6, 2013 9:24 am
Topic: dualty micro's - moodats (0 replies, posted in Releases)
Hi mates, this is the new duality micro - moodats release.
Its was created with the korg monotribe and some ios apps.
Please enjoy!
https://evadeanddualitymicro.bandcamp.c ro-moodats
Greetings fReD from
- This album is dedicated to Karin -
PS: Check also my weekly radio cast vdren every friday to saturday at 0:03 o clock
476 Nov 22, 2013 11:13 am
Topic: duality micro - soldaU ep (0 replies, posted in Releases)
This is the new duality micro ep - soldaU.
Please enjoy
https://evadeanddualitymicro.bandcamp.c -soldau-ep
Greetings fReD
PS: Check also my weekly radio cast vdren on every friday to saturday night at 0:03 o clock.
http://www.emsvechtewelle.de/der-sender n/238.html
Tonight: Glasser, Raoul Sinier, Gesaffelstein, Audion, Chemical Brothers, Cabaret Voltaire,
AFX and many more
477 Nov 8, 2013 11:13 am
Topic: duality micro's - leb remot (0 replies, posted in Releases)
Hi mates, this is the duality micro release - leb remot.
The heart of this work is the korg monotribe.
With some help from ableton, some ios apps and the monotrons.
Please enjoy!
https://evadeanddualitymicro.bandcamp.c -leb-remot
Greetings fReD from
PS: Check also my weekly radio cast "vdren" every friday to saturday night at 0:03 o clock
478 Nov 1, 2013 10:51 am
Topic: duality micro thor - ttp session (0 replies, posted in Releases)
Hi mates, last month my friend and music mate thor visited me and we made our first jam
with our ipads. On two afternoons we recorded this nice tracks live and on the fly.
In use are: Tabletop, Rebirth, imini, Slynthy, Figure and some effects.
Please enjoy it
https://evadeanddualitymicro.bandcamp.c tp-session
Greetings fReD & thor
479 Nov 1, 2013 8:59 am
Re: SAMMICH SID on ebay (2 replies, posted in Trading Post)
Hello, well. If you are paying the shipping. I can send it wherever you want
Greetings fReD
480 Oct 31, 2013 6:18 pm
Topic: SAMMICH SID on ebay (2 replies, posted in Trading Post)
Hi mates, here you can bit on my SAMMICH SID Synth on ebay, good luck:
http://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/e12000.m4 ADE%3A1123
Greetings fReD from