Oh thank you very much.
Greetings fReD
481 Oct 25, 2013 5:47 pm
Re: duality micro - the waste manager ep (2 replies, posted in Releases)
482 Oct 25, 2013 8:32 am
Topic: duality micro - the waste manager ep (2 replies, posted in Releases)
Hi mates,
Today I have something special for you. And the best thing? It is for free!
In 2007 I made a track called "the waste manager" with my friend and music mate Peter Hedderley.
At that time, the Stylophones was re-released world-wide (previously from the 70's).
Peter knew the little device from his childhood. And I often saw them in older YouTube videos
like Kraftwerk and many others.
After we had ordered two of them, we started to jam with them. Then, I had an idea and programmed
the background melody with my DAW. Then we played along with the Stylophones it in a duett.
The track "The Waste Manager" was born. A good friend of ours works in an town office nearby
as a waste manager. The track was dedicated to him. Why? Well, he is the REAL "Waste Manager".
We only played this track live for a little audiance at my birthday party. But now I have re-recorded it
and release it under the Duality Micro title - for free. The track should be played - it would be too
much of a pity if it were simply to sit in my archive and nobody would listen to it.
So download your copy of this release and I hope you enjoy it.
https://evadeanddualitymicro.bandcamp.c manager-ep
- the waste manager is written by
Manfred Reckers & Peter Hedderley and is dedicated to Gerd Schmitjans
Many Greetings, fReD from
483 Oct 18, 2013 8:56 am
Topic: duality micro on tabletop (0 replies, posted in Releases)
Hi mates, this is the first duality micro release that were be realized with the tabletop ios app. I hope you enjoy it!
https://evadeanddualitymicro.bandcamp.c o-ttp-1-11
Greetings fReD from
Check also my weekly radio cast vdren on the ems vechte welle
484 Oct 11, 2013 8:58 am
Topic: duality micro's - goo 2 OUT NOW (0 replies, posted in Releases)
Hi mates, here is the next duality micro - goo release. It is number 2.
In use are the korg monotribe, some ios apps and the sammich SID.
Please enjoy it.
https://evadeanddualitymicro.bandcamp.c icro-goo-2
Greetings fReD from duality micro
PS: Check also my weekly radio cast "vdren" tonight at 0:03 o clock
485 Oct 4, 2013 9:53 am
Topic: a new duality micro release (with a little help from the sammich sid) (0 replies, posted in Releases)
Hi mates, here is a new duality micro release.
In use are the korg monotribe, some ios apps and the sammich SID.
Please enjoy it.
Greetings fReD from duality micro
PS: Check also my weekly radio cast "vdren" tonight at 0:03 o clock
486 Sep 27, 2013 9:11 am
Topic: duality micro's - golana 2 on bandcamp (0 replies, posted in Releases)
This is the second release of the duality micro release series called golana/ analog. In
these recordings i use my ipad as the midi master for the following devices and apps: Korg
Monotribe, SAMMICH SID, imini app, magellan app, funkbox app, and some effects units.
https://evadeanddualitymicro.bandcamp.c o-golana-2
Greetings from fReD
Check also my weekly radio cast "vdren" at 0:03 o'clock
487 Sep 20, 2013 9:31 am
Topic: duality micro - golana (0 replies, posted in Releases)
This is the start of a new duality micro release series called golana/ analog. In this
recordings i use my ipad as the midi master for the following devices and apps: Korg
Monotribe, SAMMICH SID, imini app, magellan app, funkbox app, and some effects units.
https://evadeanddualitymicro.bandcamp.c cro-golana
Greetings from fReD
Check also my weekly radio cast "vdren" at 0:03 o'clock
488 Sep 13, 2013 7:30 am
Topic: tonight in vdren (0 replies, posted in Past Events)
Hi mates, feel free to check in to my weekly radio cast tonight at 0:03 o clock, north european time.
Tonight i have these artist in my show: Raoul Sinier, Factory Floor, Murphy Jax, Starcat,Nightmares on Wax, Lorn, Moderat Washed out and many more ...
http://www.emsvechtewelle.de/der-sender n/238.html
Check also my BLOG. Where you can get informations about my newest works.
So happy following
Greetings fReD from
489 Sep 8, 2013 10:59 am
Topic: a little testrun (0 replies, posted in Audio Production)
Hi mates, just testing the genome app for syncing and playing 2 synth (magellan ap), the monotribe and the sammich sid ... my little livesetup for future gig's.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-92tonz8 e=youtu.be
Greetings and have a nice sunday
490 Sep 6, 2013 10:18 am
Topic: duality micro presents the SAMMICH S I D oNE Album (0 replies, posted in Releases)
This is the first album of duality micro that were produced with the sammich SID synth.
Further devices in this release are the lsdj2 sync box for gameboys with nanoloop and the korg monotribe.
https://evadeanddualitymicro.bandcamp.c ch-sid-one
This album is deditcated to my friend kazumi kuroda from
Check out his page.
Thank you so much for your support Kazumi
Greetings fReD from
491 Sep 2, 2013 7:49 am
Topic: duality micro on sammich sid (0 replies, posted in Past Events)
Hi mates, here is the link to my BLOG. There you can get informations about my newest works.
So happy following
Greetings fReD from
PS: In the next week i work on an new release that will be realized with
an gameboy/ nanoloop and the SAMMICH SID
492 Aug 29, 2013 2:55 pm
Topic: duality micro's - drengue 4 OUT NOW! (0 replies, posted in Releases)
Hi mates, this is the last release of the duality micro - drengue series.
In use for the first 4 tracks are the korg monotribe, rebirth 338 app, magellan app and the kaos pad mini.
In use for the drone styled tracks 5 - 8, i used some nanoloop and monotribe tunes with
various effects.
Please enjoy
Greetings fReD from
PS: Check also my radio cast "vdren" every friday on 0:03 o clock at
493 Aug 21, 2013 6:45 am
Re: SIDPAD - a SID synth for your ipad (23 replies, posted in Releases)
Good morning, oh great app. Wonderfull and clear. Soon i'm gonna buy the pro version. Midi support YEAHAA!
Thanks, the world needs much more like this
494 Aug 20, 2013 6:48 am
Topic: the eVADUM BLOG/ duality micro/ SAMMICH SID (0 replies, posted in General Discussion)
Hi mates, here is the link to my BLOG. There you can get informations about my newest works.
So happy following
Greetings fReD from
PS: In the next weeks i work on an new release that will be realized with
an gameboy/ nanoloop and the SAMMICH SID
495 Aug 16, 2013 9:01 am
Topic: duality micro's - drengue 3 OUT NOW! (0 replies, posted in Releases)
Hi mates, this is the third album in the duality micro drengue series.
Here in use on track 1-6 is the magellan app on ipad, the korg monotribe and the kaospad mini.
On track 7-8 is the rebirth 338 app on ipad, the korg monotribe and the kaospad mini and
some vst's in ableton.
Please enjoy, i had much fun by programming these tracks
http://evadeanddualitymicro.bandcamp.co -drengue-3
Check also my weekly radio cast vdren on every friday at 0:03 o clock
Today i play following artist: The Green Man, Acid Washed, Rocketnumbernine, Gold Panda,
Oneohtrix Point Never, Boards Of Canada, Braids and many more.
Greetings and have a nice weekend
fReD from
496 Aug 12, 2013 8:34 am
Topic: GAMEBOY LIGHT (Sorry for the bad first link) (0 replies, posted in Trading Post)
Hi mates, here you can get to my offer on an gb light on ebay.
http://www.ebay.de/itm/Gameboy-Light-Ch CA:DE:1123
Greetings fReD from