Hi mates, now here is the next version of the duality micro - DooM March.
Remixed by sascha müller
Greetings fReD from
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ChipMusic.org / Forums / Posts by dualitymicro
Hi mates, now here is the next version of the duality micro - DooM March.
Remixed by sascha müller
Greetings fReD from
Hi mates, here is an older clip where i playing live with my nds, its wiggle time
Greetings fReD from
Hi mates, there is a new ep out on bandcamp.
Please enjoy!
fReD from
Hi mates, there is a new free track on the duality micro bandcamp page.
Pleace enjoy!
Greetings fReD from
Hi mates, well done. The duality micro - DooM March music video is online now. At first you can watch the original version of my project. Soon other music friends will upload their own versions of the clip.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GmXTJgTz ature=plcp
Please enjoy!
Greetings fReD from
Oh thank you always nice to become some post.
Greetings fReD from
I live in lower saxony/Germany and have been making electronic music since 1995 in my projects eVADE and duality micro. I occasionally release demo tracks for public preview.
I am also have a electronic music cast on DFM RTV INT called "vdren" every sunday from 18:00 - 19:00 o clock.
Here is the cast from yesterday:
Hi mates, eVADE & duality micro start now on bandcamp.
Check out the first duality micro release, the Wv ep.
Greetings from here!
Hi mates, i wanna show you a little live video of my project duality micro.
In use are 3 nintendo ds with korg ds10 and a mini kp from korg.
And, a BIG disco ball
Please enjoy
Greetings fReD from
I live in lower saxony/Germany and have been making electronic music since 1995 in my projects eVADE and duality micro. I occasionally release demo tracks for public preview.
I am also have a electronic music cast on DFM RTV INT called "vdren" every sunday from 18:00 - 19:00 o clock.
for more details see
and here is the newest vdren cast on mixcloud
Hi mates, ive made a little movie. A special one.
As plattform i used the DooM/ Skulltag Engine to keep the cost for animations low. Most of the budget was stored in the great script ...
Please enjoy
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EpT1Gumm e=youtu.be
Greetings fReD
hi mates, threre is a new track on soundcloud, please inform me what you think
http://soundcloud.com/duality-micro/dua cro-mn-wv5
Greetings fReD from
Hi mates, the v d r e n cast 10 is now available on mixcloud
please enjoy
Greetings fReD
PS: vdren runs every sunday from 18:00 - 19:00 o clock on
vdren on dfm rtv int
every sunday from 18:00 to 10:00 o clock
In every cast i play selfmade music of my own projects eVADE & duality micro and projects of my friends. In the future i plan to broadcast live jams and sessions from here and i want to support ab the chiptune scene.
Greetings fReD
PS: you can reach every vdren show on mixcloud after broadcast.
vdren on dfm rtv int
every sunday from 18:00 to 10:00 o clock
In every cast i play selfmade music of my own projects eVADE & duality micro and projects of my friends. In the future i plan to broadcast live jams and sessions from here and i want to support a bit the chiptune scene.
Greetings fReD
PS: You can reach every vdren show after broadcasting on mixcloud
Hi mates, every vdren show is stored on mixcloud after broadcasting.
Greetings fReD from
ChipMusic.org / Forums / Posts by dualitymicro