NESizer2 Standalone DIY NES Synth

Atari 2600 DIY TIA MIDIbox Synth

I'll be uploading a few more over the coming weeks. Visit the main channel page for more. Enjoy.

That's the spirit!

The Amiga is definitely the right tool for the job. Stoked to hear the upcoming tunes!

I'm sincerely glad you enjoy, and I couldn't be happier that the releases are falling into the right hands. Additionally, the latest LSDJ is a beast and I'm kicking myself for not having jumped in sooner!

1ST MINI ALBUM … ub-spc-700

Each bundle will receive one of each:

- cyber disc
- 52 page book
- 11" x 14" poster
- holo BL logo sticker
- download card

as well as the following randomized options:

- one of two signed photo cards
- one of two phone charms
- one of two canvas patches
- one of two circular art stickers

All pre-orders include a PC formatted floppy, featuring all elements needed to play these songs back via Super MIDI Pak cart in combination with an MPC Live. Floppy disks are only available during the one-week pre-order and are limited to one per physical mailing address.

Everything you hear was made possible using nothing more than the XBAND OST as source material, a Super MIDI Pak MIDI cartridge for interfacing/mangling, and the MPC Live for programming. All audio was recorded direct from an SNES.

captain wrote:
TSC wrote:

Necrobump once more before I do something drastic like travel to Japan and search for the answer on my own in the most dramatic way possible.

Sorry not answering your question, but could you explain to me what macro setting are meant to do. I am OK with the rest, but can not quite wrap my head around what they are meant to do.


I believe these are meant to be user-defined presets. I've mastered the rest, but I cannot seem to get these to stick.

Necrobump once more before I do something drastic like travel to Japan and search for the answer on my own in the most dramatic way possible.

catskull wrote:

Just a heads up, I'm not totally sure but the images in your post aren't loading for me. The images on bandcamp work fine however!

Stumbling out of the gates! Thanks for the heads up. Fixed.

Don't thank me, thank YOU.

Sold out of a few sizes - the NES Voorhees variant is selling 2-to-1 yikes

Brand new for 2021 - five new Skulltracker t-shirt color options. Extremely limited. $10/XS-2XL available. Be quick!

Red + Black on White (Red/White)
Red + White on Black (Red/Black)
Brown + Green on Black (Jungle)
Pink + Blue on Black (NES Voorhees)
Black on Black (Not Quite None More Black)