This thread just genuinely made me tear up laughing from the OP onward.  Thank you for making a low-tier night absolutely awesome.

Hey everyone, speaking of boosting the chip scene, food for thought:

I've been thinking about introducing chiptunes to people at conventions;  I've seen people just sitting there rocking out on LSDJ in a corner before, and people would walk by thinking that was a pretty neat concept.  What's stopping us from possibly getting this into the heart of a medium highly-trafficked by people who would be more likely to understand this kind of music?

Examples:  MAGFest, in Virginia, has their own chiptune concert each year.  I'm in talks with another convention about possibly starting up a concert for them in St. Louis, MO if I can find artists who're willing to perform.  One of them near Dallas is rooted in oldschool gaming and would be another possibility.

What are all of your thoughts on this?  Or, perhaps, should I have this moved to another thread?


(8 replies, posted in Past Events)

That lady had a vast knowledge of music technology.  Had I realized I just had to put chiptunes in a DJ before now, life would have been easier.

Regardless, awesome job on getting more press coverage!

FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF-  Apparently this is the one week where I can't make it.  This is definitely the opposite of want.

Here's to hoping it sold out for you, guys!

HELL YES!  I can't wait for C&B/Chip8/LanguageBarrierFest2K10!

Actually, I'm really psyched to see this lineup.  Want an article on it?


(29 replies, posted in Past Events)

That is sincerely the best and creepiest resemblance I have seen in a very long time.

Brb, crying in a corner.


(29 replies, posted in Past Events)

George wrote:

Don't worry : the MA chipscene is all about silly hats.

As I figured, people loved the powerglove I wore at Chip6.  I'm just wondering how deep the rabbit hole goes.


(29 replies, posted in Past Events)

I'll be there to have my face melted off in Allston, land of the hipsters.  I'm debating on whether or not I should rock a silly hat to stand out like a sore thumb



NO U.  Also, I'll let him know, of course.  Chip8?

Pictures from the event are up, they're uploaded to my site's flickr, as per usual.


Awesome music as always!

FFFFFFFFFFFFF-  I COULDN'T GET OFF OF WORK UNTIL 9:30.  I'm still going, but still, damn it.

I'll e-mail you soon, James.

IT'S GETTING CLOSER, YET STILL SO FAR AWAY.  I'm excited, Chip6 was a blast!


(37 replies, posted in Past Events)

Hey guys, the pictures are up!  Here's the link to all of them, let me know what you guys think!


sounds good, let me know.

also... chip7 pics????

Oh trust me, if I get stuff together for that night, you'll be the first one to know.  Chip7 pics?  Of course!  Joe's camera's finally fixed and he's working on them as we speak (which btw, I'll post the pics on the NF flickr and in the chip6 thread,) so you can expect us to be there.


we'll probably have an open mic too, more organized than last time ;D

i need to gauge interest first, and get some confirms though...

Hmmm... you know, if I can get something together and not be stuck working that night, I might tell you to count me in for a song.