(8 replies, posted in Trading Post)

nitro2k01 wrote:
SketchMan3 wrote:

I just have a question: Did you mean "Suedeboy" as in blue suede shoes?

Pretty sure he meant that the blue shell and yellow backlight is a reference to the flag.

You are correct.


(8 replies, posted in Trading Post)

louisdeb wrote:

What would you say posting to UK is?

I actually have no idea. If you are interested, I could look into it and get back to you.


(8 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Meng, where all dem peeps wanting blueboys when you need them.


(8 replies, posted in Trading Post)

What I have up for sale is one of them rare blue gameboys. I've actually owned this gameboy for maybe 3 weeks at best and the only thing I've done to it since I got it was replace the front PCB to change the backlight. It's prosounded, courtesy of DJ Transformer, and works as you would expect of any other gameboy. And then the whole 'I have too many gameboys, I never use it, blah blah blah.' The only discrepancies I could find were small nicks on the underside, which I have taken pictures of.

Anyways, I'd like not to lose too much out of this, so I'm going to go ahead and say $106 USD obo and this thing is yours. Lemme hear you scream for ice cream.


I apologize if this has already been answered a million times, but are you still shipping your carts?

One self bump before it goes on the bay of e.

Hello thar, I am selling my custom painted white DMG with pink backlight and backlit Start/Select button, made by JustinThursday. I only casually 'chiptune', so this frankly is more than I need. Everything works fine, nothing is broken and still has the plastic covering on the screen. And if you're not a fan of pink, for 35$, Justin will change the backlight color for you.

Price is $120 OBO

This gameboy has:
Custom white paintjob (great job, smooth, no stickyness)
Pink blacklight
Pink backlit Start/Select buttons (silicon buttons)
1/8" prosound
Default red power led
White screen cover
Pink custom cast buttons(?)

Now for some pictures:

And two taken by Justin that show how pink the buttons actually are.

You can message me on here, or sent me an email at [email protected] if interested. I'm not currently interested in trades, only looking to sell.

Thank ya kindly!


(21 replies, posted in Trading Post)

SAMWAVE wrote:

I've got the case/shell of a white DMG (Gutted it ages ago).

However it has yellowed on the outside of the case (Inside of the case is snow white).

I'll be up for selling it if the price is right as it just sits in my draw.

Well, I'm sure even just the case could sell for 300. People aren't paying for the insides.


(21 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Yeah, I saw that, but not at all going to be spending 300 dollars on a gameboy I would be too scared to ever mod. Also, ended up buying a custom white painted gameboy from Justin.