Hey Chiptuners, I'm looking to get more involved in the ChipMusic community ever since 8bc kicked the bucket :(    (Plus there's not much of a Chip community in Northern Ireland)   My band TeamRocket use LSDJ for Gameboy + combine it with Rock instrumentation (Kinda like anamanaguchi but with lyrics).
Anyway I know there's like a bazillion players pitching their music at once, but If you've got some free time, it would be super cool if you checked us out, and let me know what you think ^^
And if you can't... s'alright!

As part of our 2012 Summer Singles Project we're releasing a new Single every Friday for free download, So hopefully there will be at least 1 Summer Single that you guys like!
Anyway, I've talked enough

Here's a link to our first Summer Single If you guys want to check it out:


Thanks and Laterz!

- TeamRocket

The Chiptune community in Northern Ireland is pretty non-existant, except for some great artists in Belfast.
Luckily enough we're Chiptune/Rock so it's easier to build fans in a place where no one really knows what chiptune is : /