Vile wrote:

I imagine this goes with the opening of a game when the logo comes up, like Sega or Activisions logo would come up for a few sec before the game loads. Would you by chance have the intro of the logo animation already on hand, or at least an idea of how it's going to be presented?


The logo is linked above (in my last reply), however the animation has not been completed as it will be determined by the music.

Some concepts considered:

Start with 8-bit version of logo and Oki (the robot within the logo), Oki in a 3-frame animation, makes his way into the scene and in front of the logo, until finding his spot within the logo. Once he takes his spot, the music transitions the evolution of the logo and Oki into the clean modern look. (5 second concept)


Robotoki logo is on screen, with no Oki, but an standard O where Oki is normally, music ques the O shaking, wiggling, bursting with excitement until it finally pops out legs, antenna, and opens its eye to become Oki. (3 second concept)

However, like most things, this could all change based on the composed music and input of the composer.

Excellent questions!

The chip tune should be upbeat, simple, and endearing. It should bring with it a sense of nostalgia for the feeling of anticipation and excitement when you are on the loading screen of a new game. It should convey the wonder of infinite possibility that could lay ahead once you hit start. In should also incorporate sound FX to give personality to Oki, the robot found within the official logo (here: … _SW_01.psd).

The logo will be animated to fit the tune, rather than the tune to fit the animation. The tune should tell the story and the animation just helps visualize it.

Emotional reference:
Super Mario World Soundtrack (overworld + theme)
Bit Shifter (Reformat the Planet beginning intro)

However, as this is a logo jingle and not a full track, it must be short, sweet, and concise. I hope this gave a bit more context and understanding of what we're going for. Thanks for the question!

Hello Chiptuners!

We seek your expertise and creativity! We're an independent video game studio in Los Angeles, CA and have the desperate need of some sweet sweet chiptune music to go with our logo.

We are looking for artists who have an upbeat, nintendocore authentic sound (preferably NES but open to other styles), who are available for a paid commission asap. We have a very short timeline to get this done and am looking for someone who can work fast, but still deliver an original but catchy tune.

The tune we need is very short, around 5 seconds.

If you're available, and interested, please contact us at [email protected] with the subject "Robotoki Chiptune".

Thank you!